Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Recovering From Legalism – MBFLP 132
June 14, 2016

  “For by grace you have been saved through faith … not a result of works. lest any man should boast.” The apostle Paul told us that and we all know it … but somehow, we easily turn to legalism when it comes to living out that salvation we received by ...

On The Other Hand … Purity Rings – MBFLP 131
June 06, 2016

So often a well-intentioned effort can have unexpected – and maybe, undesireable – results. When a marriageble young man sees a likely-looking young woman, but notices a simple ring on her left hand, what does he think?

Interviewing for Job and College – MBFLP 130
May 30, 2016

We all have lists – maybe we write them down, maybe they’re in our heads – of the things we want our kids to know when they’re all grown up. Have you ever considered how many things even in early adulthood that take an interview? Getting a job,

Teaching Your Kids to Deal With Failure – MBFLP 129
May 16, 2016

We can expect life to have disappointments, setbacks, and downright failures – even the best of lives in a fallen world! Adults usually realize they have to be able to take some bad news, learn what they can, repent where they should, and move along.

Pregnant When The Time Isn’t Right – MBFLP 128
May 09, 2016

“Children are a blessing of the LORD,” the Psalm tells us … yet sometimes, we wonder if that’s always true. When you lose your job and then announce that you’re expecting, people look at you funny. Maybe the new baby is closer to big sister than you pl...

Christ and College – Part 2 – MBFLP 127
May 02, 2016

This episode, we continue with John Calvin Young’s experiences and observations about how to flourish as a Christian in the midst of a secular campus. He talks about choosing courses and professors, recognizing when a friendship is turning to temptatio...

Growing in Christ at a Secular College – MBFLP 126
April 19, 2016

Christian parents may struggle with the cost of sending their sons and daughters to a Christian college, and to be honest, some courses of studies are very hard to find among Christian schools — even if you can afford them.

Changing Your Parenting Style – MBFLP 125
April 04, 2016

  Every older sibling, sooner later, will say, “You never would have let me do that!” And they’re likely right. The question is not, does your parenting change, but rather, why, and sometimes, why not already?

Bullied Into Buying – MBFLP 124
March 28, 2016

Homeschooling allowed us to raise kids that were not peer-dominated, not bullied, not searching for affirmation and validation from every direction. Hooray! The problem is, we parents were not raised that way,

How Do We Motivate These Kids? – MBFLP 123
March 21, 2016

We hear this question all the time – when we’re not asking it ourselves. How do you get your kids motivated and doing what they need to? Is it all about compulsion, or is there a positive aspect to it? Coming to you “on the road” in Mystic,