Sacred Healing 12:30

Sacred Healing 12:30

01_So You’re Needy?, Cherished Series

June 20, 2022

So you're needy? You were created to be needy. In fact, you were created with an abyss of neediness because your neediness was meant to be satisfied. You were created to be cherished. 
Adam and Eve were created needy: they needed food, water, work, and intimate relationship before sin ever entered the Garden. The tragedy of sin was that it separated Adam and Eve from the Source that was meant to satiate their neediness. But Jesus restored our connection to the Source. So embrace your neediness, direct it properly, and you will grow out of leeching and/or stoic behaviors that prevent you from fully satiating the neediness that otherwise eats you alive. 

Thank you to my newest Friends of the Show Ann T; Amarys R; Mariann H; Michele T; Jessica J; Mary C; Fidelis L; Peggy P; Susan D; Martina MacD; Tracy D; James McN; Ellen C; Linda D; Mary McJ; Peggy H; Hannah C; Michelle M; Susan G; Rebecca H; and Amy B for loving and lifting me! Friends of the Show get all Premium Content and monthly meet-ups with Sonja: We're starting our Bible study on the Book of Romans this week!

LOVE the Word® is a Bible study method based on Mary’s own practice: lectio without the Latin. Get the book based on Sonja’s method in the right margin, How to Pray Like Mary.  
L | Listen (Receive the Word via audio or video.)

O | Observe (Connect the passage to your life and recent events.)
Where do you turn when you feel needy and weak? Have you noticed that your tendency to grasp outwardly for love is driven by feelings of abandonment, rejection, and or worthlessness? What happened during your Emmanuel Moment? 
V | Verbalize (Pray about your thoughts and emotions.)
Remembering that He loves you and that you are in His presence, talk to God about the particulars of your O – Observe step. You may want to write your reflections in your LOVE the Word® journal. Or, get a free journal page and guide in the right-hand margin.
E | Entrust (May it be done to me according to your word!)
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful. Enkindle in them the fire of Your love, and there shall be a new creation, and You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen. +
I am no longer on Facebook. Join us in the new community forum, where we're talking about spiritual gifts, daily LOVE the Word takeaways, healing, caregiver support, and lots more. 

What We Discussed | Show Notes
Minutes 00:12:00 – general outline of the Cherished series, the biological need for love, neediness in the Garden
Minutes 12:01-24:00 –  satiate, not substitute; the pain of separation and judgment 
Minutes 24:01-36:00 – embracing neediness and weakness, leech vs. stoic, Emmanuel Moment
Minutes 36:01-48:00 – the limbic system and how it relates to music, art, prayer, meditation, emotion, healing; Mary shows us how to experience being cherished
Click here for a transcript of the show. 
