Sacred Healing 12:30

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How specific parts of the body often express pain
In order to finally and fully heal from pain and illness we must all become consciously aware of various issues in our personal development, subconscious conflicts, and how we have learned to deal wit
Don’t just “offer it up”! Get real relief!
Let me guess. You terrorize yourself with this type of catastrophizing thought on a frequent or regular basis: Im going to feel this way forever. I will never be out of pain/fatigue/sickness. The
Peacemakers are children of intimacy
Peace, in biblical terms, is a steady progression of intimacy with the Father through deliverance after deliverance. "The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform it" (Is 9:7). This is Isaiahs Messiani
I have loved you with an everlasting love.
This verse from Jeremiah 31 reveals that the Almighty and Everlasting seeks humanity not because He is our Father, but because He longs to be. God reveals Himself to man within the space-time contin
Advent-ure: The mountain is calling, and I must go.
Perhaps you've heard or seen this John Muir quote on a t-shirt or mug, "The mountains are calling and I must go." Muir is known as the "Father of National Parks." Born in Scotland, he later moved to W
Self-consciousness = darkness, God-consciousness = LIGHT
The downward pull of the world and its ways might be called "self-consciousness," or darkness, wherein we focus on all that's dark, negative, and painful in ourselves and the world around us. But the
Can anything be “too wonderful”?
I'm really asking. - Can the smell of rain be too wet? Are a baby's toes too fat? Is spring too fresh, ice cream too cold, grace too amazing? Is football too competitive, or a bass too big? The ocean
‘Tis the season … for pop quizzes
I've heard from many of you who are already experiencing pop quizzes related to holiday celebrations, so here are six Ps for navigating the holidays and making them more peaceful and happy: Predict, P
So you’re secretly explosive or resentful?
Yeah, me too. I've broken dishes, physically attacked my husband, and once pushed another driver off the road with my car. I'm not proud of it. In fact, I only share my embarrassing lack of self-con
07 Ep# 517 If you miss this, you miss heaven altogether.
Faith cannot simply be belief in God, or in a set of teachings for even the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). In this show, we discern what faithis,by looking at what itisnt. This sho