The Benzo Free Podcast

The Benzo Free Podcast

Latest Episodes

Our Mailbag: Muscles, Tapering, and Lawsuits
August 09, 2021

Do you have questions about benzos? About withdrawal? About how fast you should taper? Or if your exercise is making things worse? Wonder if you can sue? Or do you just want some tips on managing your fear? Either way, this is the episode for you.

Benzo Trivia: What Do You Really Know?
July 23, 2021

How much do you know about benzos? About withdrawal? About anxiety and insomnia? Want to test that knowledge? Well, this is the place. It’s time to lighten the mood a bit and have some fun. Welcome to our first-ever Benzo Trivia episode.

When the Rains Fall: Enduring Benzo Withdrawal
June 28, 2021

When the dark clouds of benzo withdrawal engulf you, how do you respond? Do you lock the door? Curse the world around you? Protect yourself and hide from life? Or is there another choice? One that takes time but may lead down a better path.

Road Trip: Post-Withdrawal Effects on Our Lives
June 12, 2021

Once we withdraw from benzodiazepines, then what? What are we left with? What are the triumphs and what are the pitfalls? How do we handle the new challenges life throws at us? Where do we go from here?

Our Mailbag: Tears, Fears, and Healing
May 27, 2021

Should I withdraw from benzodiazepines? Are there always complications from long-term use? Does everyone fully heal? Do others overreact, or become overly emotional during withdrawal? Is this withdrawal, or is it a brain injury?

On the Road Again: Progress in Protracted Withdrawal
May 08, 2021

How long does withdrawal last? Will I ever be normal again? Will I ever recover fully? These are questions so many of us have asked about benzo withdrawal time and time again. In today’s episode of the podcast, I share some thoughts from the road on my ow

COVID and Benzos: Immunity, Vaccines, Symptoms
April 28, 2021

Share thIs COVID more dangerous if you are on benzos? What if you are in withdrawal? What about the vaccine? Will it elevate my symptoms? In today’s episode, we explore some questions about COVID, listen to a hopeful story from New England, and discuss pr

Driving on Benzos: Is it safe? Is it legal?
April 24, 2021

Is it safe to drive while taking benzodiazepines? Is it legal? Can benzos impair one’s ability to drive a motor vehicle? If so, which type of benzo has the greatest effect? We will provide some research, stories, and a few answers.

Our Mailbag: Tapering, TMJ, and Trusting Yourself
April 16, 2021

Benzo withdrawal creates far more questions than answers, and today we address a few of them. We look at the loss of self-confidence withdrawal, deciding how long to pause during our taper, TMJ and muscle tension, and a few other topics. We also share som

What’s New in the Benzo Community: Stories, Events, and Advocacy
April 09, 2021

What’s been going on in the benzo community lately? Any progress on awareness, education, legislation, support? Any upcoming events? Any benzo stories to share? Anything new with the podcast? Tune in to find out.