Musings Podcast

Musings Podcast

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3 Tips on How to Nurture Yourself
May 04, 2021

Nurturing yourself means taking care of yourself. Many people do not view self-care as a top priority. When we fail to practice self-care, we get burnt out, tired and irritated. We cannot fully function if we fail to take time to rest and get renewed.

How to Pick Yourself Up From a Dark Pit
May 03, 2021

All of us, from time to time, fall into the dark pit of discouragement. Instead of picking ourselves up, we engage in negativity which takes us deeper into the dark hole. - Similar: 5 Tips on Why Creating a Daily Routine is Important

5 Tips on Why Creating a Daily Routine is Important
April 30, 2021

Creating a daily routine is easier said than done. Lack of a routine sucks your energy mentally, physically, and emotionally more than following a pattern. - Similar: Why I Keep Trusting Him

Why I Keep Trusting Him
April 28, 2021

I woke up with sun light penetrating through my window. It warmed me inside out as my eyes beheld it’s beauty.Within a short time and without a warning, the sun was engulfed by a dark cloud.The hope of having a sunny day,

Why God Never Neglect His People
April 27, 2021

Struggles are helpful in our pilgrimage, depending on the choices we make. They can destroy us or propel us forward in our growth journey. - Similar: How Small Wins Enhance Your Emotional Well-being

How Small Wins Enhance Your Emotional Well-being
April 26, 2021

A 6 minutes Podcast. We associate winning with significant milestones - winning a scholarship, a grant, a jackpot, a game, an award, or an argument. Actual winning entails the small things that you achieve regularly. -

What to Do When You Constantly fail
April 23, 2021

An 8 minutes Podcast. Maybe you work very hard; you even attend empowerment seminars, read more books, and even consults with seasoned mentors. Nothing seems to work. Yes, you can constantly fail even when you are doing the right thing.

5 Tips on Dealing With Discouragement
April 22, 2021

An 11 Minutes Podcast. Discouragement, obstacles, failure, and downfalls can choke our strength, hindering our progress. However, they can engineer our growth if we maintain a healthy mindset. - Similar: How to Respond to Hurtful Words

How to Respond to Hurtful Words
April 21, 2021

A nine minutes Podcast. We are living in times that most people are not kind to each other. Sometimes dialogues spill out of control with harsh words hurting to the core. We have a choice - decline the invitation to wrath by responding softly or keepin...

5 Benefits of Practicing Assertive Communication
April 20, 2021

An 11 minutes Podcast. Assertive communication is essential in healthy relationships, personal growth journey, and welfare. It builds beneficial relationships. It is a communication style that demonstrates self-respect and respect for others. -