Magnet For Love

Magnet For Love

Latest Episodes

180 Silke Glaab- No.1 Relationship Quality Attractive To Men
January 24, 2018

Find out the No.1 quality empowered men desire from their ideal woman About Silke Glaab Silke Glaab is a psychologist who helps people to have it all: The success, fulfilling work, money, romantic love, a great partnership and family. Silke trained...

179 Lorna Poole- Hating Men
January 24, 2018

You might not even notice you do this. You might think you don’t do this but believe me, you hear and see it all the time. Just walk into any coffee shop or go for walk and overhear a conversation between two friends about what that guy did to her...

178 Diana Rushton- Every Issue Is An Issue Of Confidence
January 11, 2018

Every issue is an issue of confidence: the common denominator of your fears is a fear of being rejected. At a very young age, people acquire the fear of being rejected and judged.  Many of us experience this fear throughout our lives, and...

177 Declan Edwards- Be Selfish, Here Is Why!  
January 04, 2018

Most of us have been brought up to be kind to others, not speak back, do what your told and so forth and although some of these sayings are very useful in life and have their place they can also lead us to not go after what we want, pleasing others,...

176 Lorna Poole- Feeling Worthless
December 22, 2017

Self-worth is how you feel about yourself. Everything derives from your self-esteem and how you view yourself in the world and it effects everything. How you feel about yourself Whether you know it or not self-worth drives everything. It drives your...

175 Frank Kermit- The Emotional Needs Of A Man (Part 2)
December 14, 2017

  Like women, men have emotional needs which need to be fulfilled in order for them to feel satisfied in a relationship. To feel satisfied as a man. With me today on the Magnet For Love Podcast is Frank Kermit, and he going to share with you ten...

174 Frank Kermit- The Emotional Needs Of A Woman (Part 1)
December 06, 2017

  What are the emotional needs of a woman? Have you ever stopped and really thought about what makes you feel happy and satisfied with a man?  With me today on the Magnet For Love Podcast is Frank Kermit and he going to share with you a...

173 Jürgen Schmechel- How Can A Man Stay In His Masculinity & Still Have A Relationship That Is Loving, Intimate & Respectful?
November 30, 2017

What is happening to masculinity today? I feel men are confused today about who they should be and how they should behave around women, especially with all the sexual harassment in the news, gender fluidity and so forth. How can a man stay in his...

172 Riana Milne- Why 9 Out Of 10 People Struggle With Life & Love
November 20, 2017

Is your love life one big pain point? Are you always struggling in life and love? Do you wish things could be different? Would you love one magic pill that could solve all your problems? Nine out of ten people struggle in life and they struggle in the...

171 Lorna Poole- Why You Have Not Met Him Yet
November 16, 2017

We are getting to the end of 2017 and I bet you said to yourself at the beginning of this year you were going to change your love life, once and for all. You are going to do something about it. You really want to meet your great guy this year, but...