Self-Awareness for Everyone

Self-Awareness for Everyone

Latest Episodes

Success or Satisfaction?
July 23, 2021

What if it’s not success we truly seek in life – but satisfaction? With each of these quests in my life, I sought success. Or…

Every Thought and Feeling Attracts Like
July 16, 2021

Like attracts like – whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not I know full-well that every thought and feeling attracts like. The…

Awareness of the Four Elements of Health
July 09, 2021

Unhealthy goes beyond the physical We get readily fixated on the physical when it comes to our wellbeing and getting healthy. But wellness and being…

Let it Go
July 02, 2021

It is not always easy to let it go Things happen in ways we didn’t plan. When that happens – it can feel awful. But…

Finding and Forming Communities
June 25, 2021

Communities are important for everyone I believe that the more aware we all are – the better our lives can and will be. When you…

Awareness for Everyone & My Philosophy
June 18, 2021

My philosophy IS all about awareness I believe that the more aware we all are – the better our lives can and will be. There…

Awareness and Social Media
June 11, 2021

Social Media Connects Us Social media has offered us all ways to connect with one another. It allowed friends to connect across almost unimaginable distances.…

Awareness and Pride Month
June 04, 2021

This is an ally’s perspective of Pride Month Most of the ways in which we differ are completely artificial. These artificial differences include skin color,…

Healthy People Make a Healthy Planet
May 28, 2021

To heal the planet, we need to begin with ourselves The United States is a sick nation. I cannot sugarcoat this in any way. We…

Awareness for Everyone
May 21, 2021

What are awareness and conscious reality? There is a direct connection between mindfulness and conscious reality creation – that is awareness. Not awareness of the…