Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

We’re Quite Stretchy (50)
March 22, 2024

Excerpt: "The last glimpse I had of them before I drifted into dream land was of them gleefully and joyfully and effortlessly and playfully pulling on the tissues and tendons and ligaments in my head

I Will Carry You with Gladness (49)
March 21, 2024

Excerpt: "Of all the lessons of the TBI recovery, none have been so important to me as the reality that life doesnt have to change in order for me to live fully. I can be with life as it is as I am

Important Work (48)
March 20, 2024

Excerpt: "What I am finding quite fascinating is that my life has already begun the shift to the kind of practice that Godin describes, particularly my attitude toward results and feedback. As Ive

Not too Late (47)
March 19, 2024

Excerpt: "...A wave of shame and guilt pummeled me and I found myself struggling to find air. These are old stories for me and old ways of doing things. A decade ago, I would have gotten caught in

Remembering (46)
March 18, 2024

Excerpt: I found these entries scattered around a symptom journal that accompanied me to doctors visits, visits that were becoming increasingly discouraging as We dont know what to do, so lets try

Writing the Words (45)
March 17, 2024

Excerpt: "While not the exact opposite, my original plan for this essay was to write about the Dark Night of the Soul. I had already selected a wonderful Michael Meade quote from his most recent episo

Shedding Layers (44)
March 16, 2024

Excerpt: "s I watched the couple walk ahead of me, they slowed to join a party of similarly aged and dressed folks. A group of beautiful people who, by all appearances, have plenty of whatever they wa

Dimmer Knob (43)
March 15, 2024

Excerpt: What required the most will power, the most strength, the most wisdom this morning was choosing to listen to the wisdom of the body and to take a day to rest. So, I did. Gentle warrior wis

Intensely Unproductive (42)
March 14, 2024

Excerpt: Earlier today, I went upstairs after what felt like a half day of spinning my wheels on tasks that I either couldnt complete, didnt complete, or forgot that I was even trying to complete. W

Letting Go of the Outcome (41)
March 13, 2024

Do your best and let go of the outcome. This was the advice of my fellow teacher and good friend, Jeff Goldman, as we were navigating what seemed like the impossible demands of our school in Washing