Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

Playing Together (60)
April 01, 2024

Excerpt: "Rather than a solo act, we were a choir of energetic resonance, harmonizing with one another in a language that is hidden deep within the soul, beyond words. Soul speaking to soul. Deep s

Full Circle (59)
March 31, 2024

Excerpt: "My goals for the presentation were pretty simple: * to help people feel seen, heard, and known; * to introduce them to resources to help strengthen their minds, bodies, spirits; * to exp

What Happened to This Day? (58)
March 30, 2024

Excerpt: "No shame. Not even guilt. Just a lesson to be learned. Listen for the intention. Commit to it. Bring it into conscious awareness over and over. Let the intention point the way home."

Like One Crabapple Petal (57)
March 29, 2024

Excerpt: "And then, I saw a petal fall from one of the blossoms on the crabapple tree. And I was that petal. Falling gently toward the ground."

Rehearsing Scenes (56)
March 28, 2024

Excerpt: "But what I am noticing as I am becoming more and more present with my body in this moment not the simulated moment is that I am at ease, at peace. I really do have the right response

Reminders (55)
March 27, 2024

Excerpt: "...The calling right now is to be still. And to be thankful. To remember to be thankful. I recall the day. A reminder arrives in my email inbox: Hi Professor Jones!!! I just wanted

The Way of Things (54)
March 26, 2024

Excerpt: ..."We go on the journey to find the treasure that is hidden within us, that has been ours all along. But this truth can only be realized as we commit to the journey - to a journey. Otherwi

When I Lose My Way (53)
March 25, 2024

Excerpt: ..."I remember the terrible weight that overwhelmed me one night when I realized that my parents couldnt help me. My sleeplessness had been going on for many, many nights and they had to sle

Expert (52)
March 24, 2024

Excerpt: "...Mindful living saved my life at the end of the year in 2015 when I worked with an Occupational Therapist at our local concussion clinic and she introduced me to the world of iRest, or Int

Comings and Goings (51)
March 23, 2024

Excerpt: "...Spring flowers. Fall leaves. Summer green. Winter white. Sunrise. Sunset. Full moon. New moon. Waxing Moon. Waning Moon. Morning. Evening. Day. Night. Noon. Midnight. Inhaling. Exhaling.