Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

Awaken (40)
March 12, 2024

Ultimately, what stands against the storms of extremism, the spread of untruths, and the threat of nihilism, is the awakened individual. Unless we find the inner truths of our own lives, and the unde

In Praise of Consistency and Commitment (39)
March 11, 2024

Excerpt: Commitment and consistency have been keys to countering this natural negativity bias, gaining new perspectives, building resilience, moving out of reactivity, and developing the cognitive/emo

White Chocolate Badger (38)
March 10, 2024

Excerpt: Editors Note: Our family plays a version of Uno that came to be called White Chocolate Badger. Here is the story behind the name, a story that was first told on an Idaho mountain summer mo

Simply Becoming (37)
March 09, 2024

Excerpt: "Ill begin with the disclaimer that this piece should probably begin where it is ending, but it doesnt, so here we go. Lets see what happens. Kurt Vonnegut wrote, Im simply interested i

Finding Our Light Together (36)
March 09, 2024

Excerpt: A strong community helps people develop a sense of self, for only in community can the self exercise and fulfill its nature: giving and taking, listening and speaking, being and doing. But w

Target Unlocked (35)
March 07, 2024

I also noticed that my mind allowed itself to unlock from the targets. I didnt try to figure out why I was thinking the way I was or solve any problems or write any new stories. As soon as I felt in

Unilateral Virtue (34)
March 06, 2024

Hanson says, Virtue sounds lofty, but its actually down to earth. It simply means living from your innate goodness, guided by principle. When you are virtuous no matter what other people do, their b

Let it Rise (33)
March 05, 2024

February 13, 2016 St. Gertrudes Spirit Center On Retreat with Emily Each scene is beautiful, no matter what. Sister Jerri as she was looking out over the Camas Prairie on a cloudy morning in whi

(My)graine Story (32)
March 04, 2024

During perhaps the third cycle of 4-7-8 breathing, I could feel deeper and deeper into the brain, which was like dry ramen noodles closely bunched together. As soon as I noticed this felt image of

Time Passing Us By (31)
March 03, 2024

I was surprised by it.I know we are all getting older and I like how I am aging and how I am with this process. I am friends with death and have made my peace with it whenever and however it takes t