Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

Just Let Go (80)
April 21, 2024

Excerpt: "imagine a day when and where you dont have to beat your heart and breathe your breath and give the birds their song and rise upon this world wait that day is today"

Outside In (79)
April 20, 2024

Outside In from outside in and across the way light finds a place i hadnt seen now seeing from inside out the same light casts shadows onto spaces and places that go unnoticed on a usual morning walk

Counting (78)
April 19, 2024

Excerpt: "i wonder at how the sight of new life and the warmth of the late-evening sun on longer days can inspire childlike delight and a sense of longing and loss in the distance of just one breat

Sticking With It (77)
April 18, 2024

Excerpt: "I dont need my body involved here. There is no clear and present danger. My body can relax. My mind can relax. Observe the emotion, the feeling, or the belief. Feel the emotion, the fe

Showing Up (76)
April 17, 2024

Excerpt: " As I have come back online with vocational life over the past 3 or so years, just show up has been one of my mantras. I dont have to show off to show up. I just need to show up. If at a

At Ease (75)
April 16, 2024

Excerpt: "When I noticed myself trying to peek into the future to see if I could find a time when I could relax, I realized that I was giving myself over to an old way of being with life. A way that

Old Fences (74)
April 15, 2024

Excerpt: "I spent a lot of time over the last few weeks dreaming about different approaches and ideas and finally, earlier today, I decided to use the last bits of our old fence, a bit of bailing wire

The Extravagant Limitations of Our Perception (73)
April 14, 2024

Excerpt: "As a general rule, humans put their trust in two areas in which they are all utter failures. The first: We think we know what we should actually worry about. The second: We think that the

The Breath Again (72)
April 13, 2024

Excerpt: "The body relaxed more, the sensations of relaxation moved through the body. And then, when ready, I inhaled. I did 4 sets of these. On the third set, I held my breath for 4 minutes and

Breathe. Yeah. I Know. (71)
April 12, 2024

Excerpt: "The breath brings us home. Yeah. Its a fad. Its white noise. Its easy to dismiss and look for the next thing. And its your most powerful tool for transforming your life and one you h