Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

Nothing New Under the Sun
December 07, 2019

A reflection on ownership and identify.

The Practice of Noticing
December 07, 2019

What is asking for your attention today, right now? What wants to be seen, heard, connected with, and noticed? What do you do with “unwanted” sensations, feelings, and thoughts? If we want to live in the present, this is a muscle we have to develop.

Gene’s Song: A Farewell
March 07, 2019 Genes Song While playing at the assisted living center this morning, one of our friends was passing away in his room. It is hard to describe the emotions from that scene

Handpan Wandering: A mix of 3/4, 6/8, 4/4, 2/4, including maqsum and malfuf.
March 07, 2019 30 minutes of unedited Handpan playing I recorded last night as I was working with and through post-concussion symptoms of nausea, tinnitus, disorientation, and migraine.  I began the session feeling the weight of the symp...

Nothing is Lacking: A Meditation
March 06, 2019 A meditation for the early hours of the morning when the veil is thin and you hear the messages that might be drowned out during the busy moments of the day.  A meditation addressing our identity.  Peace ☺️✌️

“Circles” || Handpan Audio for Podcast
February 22, 2019

Meridian Low F Pygmy

Morning Migraine Medicine Meditation
January 23, 2019

Music has been one of the most helpful and effective “medicines” for my PCS symptoms. Recently, I’ve been learning to play and leaning on the didgeridoo to help heal my brain and to effectively deal with symptoms, including migraines. This morning,

A Gift of Peace
November 08, 2018

I want to give you a gift. Why? Everywhere we look, it seems our world is fraught with tragedy, violence, and division. A neighbor walked by the other night after watching the news and was visibly distraught.

Mountain Weather
November 05, 2018

Mountain weather. Few things have helped me more than mountain weather to find my way through the myriad seasons of life. Why? Mountain weather viscerally reminds me of who and what I truly am: unchanging awareness in which the ever-changing flow of li...