Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

Day 3: Ice Bath Meditations
January 03, 2024

Day 3 Themes: That which we welcome cannot bind us. Welcoming presence. Using neutral positioning to calm the nervous system. Enacting the will. Developing resiliency. Fostering curiosity.

Day 2: Ice Bath Meditations
January 03, 2024

Day 2: Today was a really emotional soak for me. Connecting to the lessons learned coming through almost 8 years of post-concussion syndrome. Feeling so thankful for my teachers and family and these p

Day 1: Ice Bath Meditations
January 03, 2024

Experimenting with ice cold soaking. Watching how the body reacts and learning how to stay conscious and neutral while experiencing passing discomfort. Im discovering that there is a stage that feels

“Land of Magic” on CFoulke Magic VoyaGe(r)
March 23, 2023

"Land of Magic" is an improv piece inspired by Carlos Rodrigues (Kabecao). I love the chilled out vibe of this rhythm when used slowly and with lots of room to breathe. Seems to work really well with

A Practice of Letting Go and Receiving
December 18, 2019

La Illaha. Il Allahu. A practice that helps us give back what we no longer need and to receive what is present in the moment. Each moment. Every moment. Each breath. Every breath.

Longest Night
December 16, 2019

Can you endure silence? Are you a night fighter? Or more a child bored with outgrown toys trying to win at tip-the-cat? ~ Rumi This composition arose during a long night and celebrates the long nigh

December 09, 2019

A reflection on union.

December 08, 2019

Early one autumn morning, I stood next to my son watching the fog lift off of Payette Lake. A sacred moment. Today, I sat at the handpan and breathed and listened and let the rhythm of the moment mo

Unmasking Ourselves
December 08, 2019

A reflection and guided meditation…and some handpan ☺️. Note: If you just want the Guided Meditation, scrub to 8:50 on the audio track.  What masks do you wear? What do you see in the mirror? Who do you see in the mirror?