A Healthier Michigan Podcast

A Healthier Michigan Podcast

Latest Episodes

Is Organic Food Overrated or Underrated?
February 02, 2023

There's a perception that organic foods are more nutritious and environmentally friendly than non-organic foods, but are they actually better for us? Find out.

Are Food Additives Harmful to Our Health?
January 19, 2023

its estimated that an individual consumes 140-150 pounds of food additives each year. Can ingesting additives have a negative impact on our health long-term?

How to Reset Your Health This New Year
January 05, 2023

In the New Year, it seems like were so focused on diet and exercise. However, there are other aspects of our health we could focus on. Find out more here.

How to Digitally Detox from Technology
December 22, 2022

Technologically, were living in a time where weve never been more connected in our lives. However, overuse of tech could impact our wellbeing. Find out how.

How Helping Others Helps You
December 08, 2022

Youve likely heard the phrase its better to give than receive. But did you know that when we help others, its actually better for our health? Find out how.

Behind the Scenes of America’s Thanksgiving Parade
November 22, 2022

We're peeling back the curtain on America's Thanksgiving Parade. Everything from balloons to floats, find out what goes into one of Detroit's most iconic event.

Holiday Food Myths Busted
November 10, 2022

Should you do a post-holiday cleanse to lose weight? Or substitute ingredients in your holiday meal to prevent weight gain? Those myths and more debunked here.

Vegan and Vegetarian Diet Myths Debunked
October 27, 2022

Weve heard a lot of different things about vegan and vegetarian diets, both good and bad. But whats true and whats false? We debunk myths about each.

How I was Diagnosed with ADHD
October 13, 2022

Its common for adults to find out later in life that they have ADHD, but how does someone seek help if its never crossed their mind that they might have it?

Why You Should Consider Low Impact Workouts
September 29, 2022

Can low impact workouts be just as effective as high impact workouts? We explore if it's possible to get similar results while being easier on our joints.