Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Latest Episodes

The Impact of Cultural Assimilation on the Black Psyche (Soul)
August 15, 2018

Is cultural assimilation, interracial marriage and the LGBTQ community a strengthening or weakening force on the Black/African family unit, community and Soul? Plus what are Rights and who gives them?

Healing thyself, before you heal the World
August 14, 2018

Burnt out and disillusioned from the fields of nursing and social work. An Empaths journey toward finding inner peace and strength in herself before uplifting her community.

Seeing Spirits, Receiving Messages: Clairsentience and Cosmic Responsibility
August 07, 2018

How a fear based understanding of those around you can shut down your God given spiritual gifts. And one sisters journey toward embracing her cosmic calling.

Christ the Kundalini and Global Warming
August 04, 2018

“As above, so below; as below, so above.” - The Kybalion   Romans 2:5-16 "But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming,

Reluctant Purity meets Strong Desire: A message for Empaths
July 31, 2018

A look at a hidden meaning in the Lord of the Rings for Empaths. And the importance of not giving your love/power away to those who would use it for worldly ambitions and ego drives.

Empaths Facing Pain and Finding Purpose
July 24, 2018

A discussion on life and a look at what makes up the inner strength of a Teacher, Mother and Motivational speaker.

Empaths, Schizotypals and The Fairy Kingdom
July 17, 2018

An interview with an Empath and Schizotypal about her life and the Fairy Kingdom. A realm open to an innocence mind.

Black and Empathic: Walking in your truth while being Highly Sensitive in the Hood
July 07, 2018

Is a lack of masculine and feminine balance within Black men.  Leading some Empathic Black women to seek a missing spiritual connection in women?  Plus letting go of fake friendships and one sisters journey of being an Empath in the big city.

The Body of Christ, Ascension and the role of Empaths
July 03, 2018

If as an Empath you've ever asked God "Why am I here?", this episode seeks to answer that. You can skip to 21:08  for the answer.

Learning to let go of Worldly or Narcissistic Friends and Family
June 25, 2018

In this episode we break down the metaphysics of Narcissism. Letting go of your humanity (love of the world) in-order to get ahead in the world vs letting go of humanity (love of the world) through a process of surrender, faith and enlightenment.