Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Latest Episodes

Seeing “Get Out” in a White theater
October 09, 2018

That bizarre moment we’ve all encountered. When your emotional crescendo turns to bewilderment, by the collective lack of empathy shown towards your human experience.

Black Empath, White World
October 05, 2018

Is there a genetic barrier to Empathy?  

Exploring the Femininity of Black Women
September 28, 2018

In the American rat race for financial security what is gained and what is lost for Black Women? Who defines what "Black Excellence" is in a nation where we have no say in the distribution of wealth? What are the psychological implications behind these...

Triggered to sleep, the Gay scene and the Awakening
September 21, 2018

Are some Gay men actually Empaths, who wounded from childhood seek the fatherly love they longed-for externally?

To be a Black Man in this Society is to be a God.
September 16, 2018

The metaphysics of what it meant and took to be a Black Man during the Kali Yuga (build or destroy) age. In a White Supremacist Society on Earth.

Letting Go of the Spiritually Dead
September 14, 2018

Letting go of your love for a fading world and it's people who you once knew. Who through giving up on loving others as themselves have become spiritually dead on this plane. Matthew 8:18-22:  When Christ saw the crowd around him,

Childhood Trauma, Astral Travel and the Cosmic Classroom
September 07, 2018

In her youth, Astral traveling was developed as an escape mechanism for the spirit of a girl facing traumatic abuse with no one to turn to.  

To sacrifice a Chicken or to sacrifice Oneself (one’s own heart)
September 01, 2018

A look into Gnostic thought, the Demiurge and its connection with the Orishas. Who truly benefits from these and other forms of ritual, worship and animal sacrifice?

Metaphysics for people of Faith (Why I started the podcast)
August 28, 2018

In my maturity as a man, I’ve come to understand that you can not find peace without first finding faith. Therefore I could not have, teach, or convey peace without faith. In matters of the heart and soul be wary of those who tell you things that are ...

Growing up in a strict Religion as an Empath
August 21, 2018

Questioning the dogma of her strict religious environment from a young age. An Empaths journey to find her own spirituality, while retaining the wisdom of the Bible.