Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Latest Episodes

Can an Empath be a Narcissist?
December 01, 2018

As we isolate ourselves, to focus on and heal our own pain. Do we risk becoming like those who cause it? - Both the Narcissist and the Empath (if compassionate enough) eventually relinquish care for the world/humanity.

The Metaphysics of making a Narcissist / To Kill a Narcissist
November 28, 2018

The making of a Narcissist and how to free yourself from their and your own emotional funk / fog as an Empath. Overcoming victimization and pursuing the path of emotional freedom that is your birthright. 

This is Us? Or this is what they tell themselves?
November 24, 2018

From “Dear White People”, “This is us” to “The Hate U Give”. Is Hollywood finally making a sincere concerted effort to humanize Black people? Or is it to sedate Black Rage and sooth White Guilt. While they inject themselves unnaturally into our narrati...

Buddhism, LGBTQ inclusivity and Trojan horses in the Black Community
November 17, 2018

One man's journey into Buddhism. Plus, is our energy diverted as a people when we pick up the mantle of other people's causes? If so who or what gets overlooked?

Panic Attacks: Trauma in our DNA
November 10, 2018

Recent mother-of-two speaks on her life as an Empath and Highly Sensitive Person. Panic attacks, healing trauma in her cellular memory, nurturing her feminine side and more.  Visit Nicki at:

Swirling, Instagram and AntiChrist energy
November 03, 2018

Will a new breed of hybrids finally bring harmony between Blacks and Whites? Ushering in a state of world peace? Or does God have other plans? Isaiah  3:16-4:6

The Raising of Conscious Black Children
October 26, 2018

No Halloween, Home Schooling, Teachings of Ancient Egypt. Are these lofty idles the byproducts of an overbearing mother or the next stage in our evolution as parents?

Hoodoo: Intro to Paganism or aid to Christhood?
October 19, 2018

Hoodoo (also known as rootwork) is Southern folk magic grounded in centuries of African American heritage within the southern United States.  We delve into one women's spiritual practice to learn more.

Black Parents, Inner Demons and the Energy Vampirism of Empathic Children
October 14, 2018

It’s a hard thing to admit that your own Mother or Father could be drawing from your life force, manipulating you and keeping you weak (even into adulthood). These patterns will not end unless observed, admitted and energetically rectified. -  

Race, Sex and the Potential of Man
October 12, 2018

When is marrying Becky ok? We explore Black consciousness, Christ consciousness, Race, Sex and Media.