Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Latest Episodes

Growing up Gifted: An Interview with Necole Livingston
January 26, 2019

From Tea Parties with Angels to Spiritual Warfare. A look into the early life of Necole Livingston and her journey to become a Spiritual Teacher and Guide. Visit Necole at:

Occult Origins of Racial Codependency and Black Love as a Weapon
January 19, 2019

A psycho-spiritual look at the energetic underpinnings of Racial Codependency. -  

Human Glamour in Orisha Worship a Gnostic outlook
January 12, 2019

Earth as Heaven… or a new Heaven and a new Earth?  Be wary of those who offer you cultural freedom under White supremacy and an inflated sense of self based on gender. While neglecting the one who comes to free your soul from Earth.

Conscious Black Women of YouTube: Witches vs. God’s Elect
January 05, 2019

We've spoken out previously on the Black Male conscious con artists in our community. Now we touch on some of the Black Females who also lead our people astray.

Black Empaths, Media, Anxiety and Metaphysics
December 29, 2018

A conversation on the alchemical underpinnings of what we see, how we feel and what we create. Based on the elevation of individual, as well as collective consciousness.

Everyone Wants to be a Black Man
December 22, 2018

A revolutionary love tale gone sour. The Black man’s plight and a reclaiming of Black Manhood and Godhood.

Empath’s discuss Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Awakening and more
December 15, 2018

Life Coach and Mother speaks on her spiritual awakening, Hypnotherapy and more. - Visit Jasmine at:

Demons: Agents of the Matrix, Trauma and Never giving up on Love
December 11, 2018

"For nothing is concealed that won't be revealed, and nothing hidden that won't be made known and brought to light." - Luke  8:17  -

Releasing Anger, Shame and Past Life Recall
December 09, 2018

Two Empaths share their stories and help each other heal and release.

Hermetic Principles: How an Empath becomes an Alchemist
December 08, 2018

The Empath and the Alchemist: There's the Empath (the negative energy sponge) a subject or sacrificial lamb of the world's emotional baggage. Everybody here was once that or is that (to a degree) and is learning how to not be that to whatever degree th...
