Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Latest Episodes

Codependent Empath Saviors and Victim Energy Vampires turned Narcissists
June 21, 2018

As Empaths, we want to love, care and share with others. But if you need others outside ourselves to love in order to feel good. At what point does that love become dependency or fear of being alone and introspective in order to deal with our own pain?...

Healing from the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse
June 14, 2018

A survivor of the UK private foster care system shares her story, in the hope that it may help another soul.

Yoni clearing and being cheated on as an Empath and Intuitive
June 09, 2018

Black Ether shares her experiences as an Empath and Intuitive. In regards to sexuality and Yoni clearing, especially after a toxic relationship.

Corporate Thought policing: Black Spiderman, Roseanne Barr, NFL kneeling and Kanye…again
June 03, 2018

Has free speech become Corporatized? A look into corporate thought policing and our perspectives on current events.

The Cultural Assimilation of Christ: A Revolutionary Black Messiah
May 31, 2018

Has whitewashing through Christianity caused some Black (or African descended) people to ignore their own history, culture and prophecy? -  

White Guilt, Black Lands: South African farmers recovering from Land Grabs
May 27, 2018

Whites own 73% of South Africa's farming land, but make up only 8% of the population. South Africa‘s parliament has passed a motion that could lead to the seizure of land from white farmers without paying them compensation.

Pro-Black at the Unroyal Wedding
May 25, 2018

A look into the misappropriation of Black empathy.

Empaths, Codependency and Demonic Attachments
May 18, 2018

Black Ether shares her experiences as Empath and healers. Ranging from codependents to the demonic possession in hopes that it may help another Empath, healer, or soul on their journey.

Trump, chaos, predictions and the inner calling of Angels
May 14, 2018

Insight on the shifting state of the world. More of this sister to come...

Kanye West’s “Breakthrough” and “Slavery was a choice” interview analysis
May 06, 2018

We analyze Kanye's "Breakthrough" interview with Charlamagne tha God and his TMZ's  "Slavery was a choice" remarks.