

Latest Episodes

Where do you want your control?
January 17, 2010

Sometimes bad stuff happens, and whilst we may not like to think of it happening to ourselves or our loved ones, there are times when we may feel helpless in the face of something that occurs. Feeling like a victim can sap even the most resourceful of us,

All talk and no Action?
January 11, 2010

Surely not! It's actually why we decided to call ourselves Action Podcast, because at the route of all your dreams is the simple choice that you have to make, do you take ACTION? A goal with out action is just a day dream, a flight of fancy that doesn't a

Difficult Conversations
January 04, 2010

You all know the types of conversations, the ones we dread having. Sam and Paul talk about how to tackle these difficult conversations keeping it on track and handling the situation with heart.

Your Intentionality… (Happy 2010!)
December 31, 2009

Chris has already done a great job of outlining some important steps that can really help to support your New Year’s Resolutions for 2010, and whilst I’ve touched on it here at ActionPodcast before, I felt tonight was a brilliant opportunity t

3 key reasons why New Year’s resolutions don’t work…and what to do about it.
December 30, 2009

Every year at this time, millions of people pledge to themselves and their friends what is going to change in the new year – the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions. I want to lose weight, I want to stop smoking, I want to save more money and get out of de

Are you resistant to change?
December 11, 2009

C.H.A.N.G.E. The final frontier…  The big C-word is an inevitable part of life, but something most of us resist on a daily basis. We like to think we’re flexible, that we can always ‘go with the flow’. But instead, many of us simply t

iTunes Reviews
November 30, 2009

Paul, Sam, Gina and Chris – the Action Podcast team – have been recording and uploading our motivational podcasts for a whole year now. Thanks to you our shows on the internet and iTunes are gaining increasing recognition and some great feedba

When You Just Can’t Remember…
November 30, 2009

Last week Paul & Sam had to skip their usual podcasting date, as Sam’s wireless connection picked that night to go on strike! Instead of totally skipping it, the time was used for a phone call to discuss the exciting idea for a topic Sam had tho

Morning Pages
November 23, 2009

We have mentioned Morning Pages before, but Gina has also been experiencing the powerful creative space that they can bring. Paul and Gina talk about using this technique to really get your creative juices flowing!

November 15, 2009

It's got to be perfect! Or does it? Do you suffer from Perfectionism Paralysis? Sam and Paul talk about how to deal with wanting everything to be perfect and yet end up not doing anything at all.