

Latest Episodes

March 20, 2010

In the immortal words or Homer Simpson.... DOH! Yes, it's a fact, we all make mistakes. Some just make you want to curl up into a small ball and hope the world just goes away. Sam and Paul talk about their experience with making the odd mistake (yes coac

Putting more spontaneous celebration in your life
March 17, 2010

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and I’m sitting here in sunny Dublin, Ireland, wondering what is the best way to take in the tradition of the Big Green Celebration. And it’s got me thinking about what we celebrate in life, and more interest

March 13, 2010

Starting off with a terrible joke and a lot of talk about ironing, Paul and Gina tackle the subject of procrastination! With a few ideas as to why we keep putting things off and what we can do to check our motivation and make sure we start doing the thing

Procrastination is the thief of time
March 10, 2010

THIS WAS ONE OF MY mother’s favourite sayings when I was a child. She had a whole repertoire of helpful clichés. Quite whether this particular homily from Edward Young was rhetorical, or she was directing her sageness at me, I can’t remember. But it

To why or not to why, that is the question
March 02, 2010

Very early on in our coaching training we are warned to stay away from asking out clients “why?” Why did you do that? Why didn’t you do what you said you would? The reason being is that this type of questioning normally results in the cl

February 27, 2010

Stress is a part of life - there's no getting away from it. But how we deal with stress really determines whether we move forward and onward, or drown under the weight of our problems. Gina and Sam share their own strategies for avoiding stress meltdownâ€

Illness at work
February 25, 2010

February 20, 2010

The power of visualisation (or visualization depending of which side of the Atlantic you live on). Paul and Gina talk about how to build your confidence for a special event such as a presentation, interview or even a wedding! Using the power of your mind

Living in Lack
February 14, 2010

Are you living in Abundance, or living in Lack?* What does abundance mean, and what difference could it make to our lives? Paul and Sam are joined by two guests - lovely ladies Annmarie and Nancy, facilitators of the 55 Concepts - as they discuss their p

Persistence is key, the reward is freedom
February 10, 2010

I was recently listening to an interview with a very amateur swimmer who tried his first triathlon (sport where you swim, then cycle, then run, all part of one race on one day). When he started training he didn’t know how to swim. At all. After some