Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0244 – Coronavirus cases 1 million+, deaths 50,000+. White House guesstimates raised. Arrivals from China. US Rep. Ilhan Omar’s death wishes for Americans. World Planners’ one-world regime.
April 02, 2020

Reported coronavirus infections world-wide = 1 million+; deaths = 50,000+…. White House raises it’s reported guesstimates of fatalities upwards after only a day, as modelers revise their guesstimates upwards. 3/4 million+...

AAISAD 0243 – White House COVID-19 death guesstimate. Italy’s predicament; Mafia, a little help please. World-wide pandemic … And, what is really the huge, untold, unknown story?!
March 31, 2020

President Trump, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Trump Administration White House’s best guess at how many people will die from the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA, 100,000 to 1/4 million Americans. “A matter...

AAISAD 0241 – USA #1 in Coronavirus infections. Democrat Veep-stakes. Venezuela. Vladimir Putin’s Russia, & the COVID-19 disinformation campaign of Russia, China, & Iran.
March 26, 2020

First in War? First in Peace? USA 1st in Coronavirus infections. Joe Biden & Bernie Sanders, and the Vemale Veep-stakes: US Senator Catherine Cortez Masto? A twit-twit here, a twit-twit there, here a twit, there a twit, everywhere...

AAISAD 0240 – Emergency relief pkg. $2 Trillion. NYC hospitals in throes of pandemic; NJ “field hospitals”? Spain’s death-toll surpasses China’s. Female Dem. activists dictate to Joe Biden, Part I.
March 25, 2020

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on $2 Trillion bipartisan coronavirus “emergency relief” package for USA. New York City’s current situation likened to that of a health crisis in a 3rd-world nation! New...

AAISAD 0239 – Defense Production Act lies. Sen. Mitch McConnell & Stimulus Pkg. deadline. COVID-19, rationed patient care…Socialized Medicine. Pres. Trump’s HHS’s “Crimson Contagion.”
March 20, 2020

President Trump and the Defense Production Act “war powers” and lies regarding them. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, one very strong, effective leader in a Mister Rogers package. Coronavirus – COVID-19...

AAISAD 0238 – Democrat Pres. Primary results…. Team Trump & UK gov’t. slavishly following modeling forecast. Putin’s COVID-19 disinformation campaign.
March 18, 2020

Bernie Sanders down, but not out yet. Joe Biden on a roll to 1,991 delegates; but what does tomorrow… hold? President Trump’s stock market pot-stirring, and the resultant staggering collapse. UK Prime Minister Boris...

AAISAD 0237 – FL, IL, AZ – Democrat Presidential Primaries. Russia’s Putin’s campaign. EU borders. Terror in UK – Libyan Islamists. COVID-19 response team predictions.
March 17, 2020

Coronavirus, COVID-19, and St. Patrick’s Day minus parades…. Democrat Presidential Primaries in Florida, Illinois, and Arizona, minus personal appearances…. 441 delegates on the line for Biden, Sanders, and...

AAISAD 0226 – Unacknowledged coronavirus, Covid-19, pandemic. Tragedy in WI, & discoveries along US-Mexico border with pandemic implications. Democrat Presidential Primary in SC, Bernie, Biden….
February 29, 2020

None Dare Call It Pandemic – but by any measure the coronavirus, Covid-19, worldwide outbreak is a pandemic! Tragic death of Tashonna Ward involving Froedtert Hospital, and discoveries of under-border tunnels from Mexico to US,...

AAISAD 0225 - Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate SC. "It's Over"? Injustice in America. "Hate Crimes"? and FBI. Why Civilizations Die; it's over!
February 25, 2020

The Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate in Charleston, South Carolina, all the usual suspects! Chris Matthews, what he said, what he meant, what fellow leftists claim he meant, and what was accidentally right about what he said. Courts...

AAISAD 0224 – Killers on the loose. Democrat Presidential Race 2020, Bernie and co. Sanders’s “good socialism”? Chris Matthews. Dying civilizations.
February 24, 2020

Imprisoned for life, without possibility of parole – what does that look like? The greater Milan Italy area experiences the coronavirus pandemic. Nevada’s caucus-going Democrat voters turn out big for Bernie. Sanders’s...