Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0256 – Permissiveness, Leftism, & Murder. Cold Case Murders of Darlings. Murders of Youthful Women. Murderous attack of Jewish men. Injustice Systems & Legal Lies & Fictions.
May 12, 2020

Revisiting the gangland-style execution-murders of Dr. Beth Potter and husband Robin Carre, in  Madison, WI. Murder Cold Cases of beautiful, young darlings: Paige Johnson, 17-year-old mother of one daughter, in Covington, KY. Vanessa...

AAISAD 0255 – Coronavirus mutation, D614G strain. Breast Cancer “Awareness”? Suicide. Murders by “boyfriends!” Defense Lawyers, Legal System, Justice System…
May 07, 2020

Dominant Coronavirus mutation D614G strain. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Betty Korber PhD., Duke Univ., and Univ. of Sheffield, England. So-called “Breast Cancer Awareness” or coverup of Abortion – Breast...

AAISAD 0254 – Factory Live-ins to aid in halting Coronavirus. Mutant coronavirus strain dominant. FDA. Abortion – Breast Cancer Link. DOJ supports Churches vs executive orders. Suicide.
May 06, 2020

Braskem America’s voluntary factory “live-ins” to provide material for PPE. Coronavirus mutations – one most contagious mutation has become dominant strain in world. Los Alamos National Laboratory. FDA...

AAISAD 0252 – Re-opening economies in US and free world, from Georgia to all of USA? Police State. US Food Supply breaking. North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong. WWIII? World Regime prelude.
April 27, 2020

As Georgia goes, so goes the nation? “Re-opening the economy” baby steps. US Congress masked and unmasked. Easter and foreshadowing the rising of a Police state in the USA versus christianity “The food supply...

AAISAD 0251 – Navajo Nation…. New Great Depression? Federal Reserve. President Trump opening US economy. Elections – Freedom vs. Totalitarian gov’t. Coming one World-wide Regime.
April 22, 2020

Navajo Nation – the toll taken by the COVID-19 pandemic. A new “Great Depression” brought about by ? Federal Reserve Bank’s Neel Kashkari – 18-month “strategy” of rolling...

AAISAD 0250 – Andrea Bocelli’s Easter gift. Bill O’Reilly’s callous arrogance. Scranton, PA, NICU, COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, 3rd World, & developed world. Trump. Cuban. Great Depression.
April 14, 2020

Andrea Bocelli’s Easter concert for Italy and the world. Bill O’Reilly’s arrogance and callousness. Reckless, callous, negligent hospital administration. COVID-19, & respiratory viruses and Native American...

AAISAD 0249 – Bats, viruses, & Pandemic. USA #1 for COVID-19 fatalities. Chernobyl radioactive forest wildfires. Hospital Administration Horrors.
April 11, 2020

Matt Ridley, WSJ, April 9, 2020 – The Bats Behind the Pandemic. Must Read investigative report on the connection between bats in Yunnan, China, and the coronavirus pandemic from Wuhan, China. The USA gains the dubious distinction...

AAISAD 0248 – Kennedy family tragedy revisited. Bernie Sanders bows out. Whitmer & Biden’s VP sweeps. Pres. Trump & COVID-19 pandemic. Native American Indian Tribes in especially great peril.
April 08, 2020

An American tragedy that stands out during the midst of these times of COVID-19 pandemic:  Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean’s son Gideon’s body now recovered. Bernie Sanders calls it quits regarding his presidential...

AAISAD 0247 – Kennedy family tragedy. UK PM. COVID-19 Models. White House spokespeople & President Trump. Acting Navy Secty. & USS Theodore Roosevelt.
April 07, 2020

The Kennedy family tragedy – Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean and 8-yr-old son Gideon. WI election. – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in hospital ICU, his condition. The White House Spokesman-in-Chief and many sorry servants,...

AAISAD 0246 – Mark Cuban’s “America 2.0” Pres. bid? “There will be death,” Pres. Trump, “We have to open our country again.” Italy. US Repub. Govs. & freedom. Native American Tribes Part 1.
April 04, 2020

Presidential Race 2020 – Billionaire Mark Cuban’s “plausible, doable” Independent late run for President in uniquely opportune post-coronavirus “America 2.0”? President Trump’s...