Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0266 – Blacktivism, “Black Lives Matter”? “Government-sanctioned racist terror”? Leftism, The Red Rules, Communist Manifesto… The Most Dangerous Man in the World – Part 3.
June 11, 2020

Blacktivism, Only “Black Lives Matter,” or “Black Lives Matter” Most? Whose black lives, which black lives? Drexel University Associate Professor’s lust for “White Genocide!”.

AAISAD 0265 – The Most Dangerous Man In The World, Part 2. Leftism, Socialism, Democrat Politics 101, Elections 2020.
June 06, 2020

The Most Dangerous Man in the World – Part 2. Leftism, Socialism, Revolution… Democrat Party Politics 101. Presidential Race 2020. Leftist Narratives – Blacktivism, Blackout Tuesday, Black Lives Matter,...

AAISAD 0264 – Presidential Primaries? Blacktivism, Blackout Tuesday. Trump, Law & Order President. State of the Union?
June 02, 2020

Presidential Primaries – originally scheduled: MT, NM, SD, Washington, D.C.; postponed primaries: PA, MD, IN, RI. Blacktivism & Blackout Tuesday, across the nation, spurred by the entertainment industry. President Trump...

AAISAD 0263 – The Most Dangerous Man In The World – Part 1.
May 29, 2020

Who is the Most Dangerous Man in the World – Part 1.

AAISAD 0262 – Pompeo, ‘Hong Kong not autonomous.’ Marxist admirer Bill de Blasio’s police state NYC! Amy Cooper’s frightening ordeal on Memorial Day in Central Park’s Ramble area, & afterwards.
May 27, 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo decries Communist China’s usurpation of Hong Kong’s autonomy. NYC mayor Bill de Blasio and his love affair with the Marxist Sandinista regime of Nicaragua, and his “progressive”...

AAISAD 0261 – ‘Open up ASAP.’ Joe Biden, “Uncle Toms”; US Rep. Clyburn & pragmatism. UK’s Cummings & Johnson. COVID-19 Vaccines & India. Afghanistan & Islamist Taliban Terror!
May 26, 2020

Trump tweets, states ‘should open up ASAP.’ US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order prohibiting church services. New Director of National Intelligence, John...

AAISAD 0260 – Jinping’s Chinese Communist Regime vs. the people of Hong Kong. UK & EU, SIS II. Islamist Terror in TX. Iran Islamist Regime vs. Israel. Trump & Biden. Sweden’s example.
May 22, 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Communist Chinese Regime’s act against Hong Kong. Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese Regime’s prelude to violent suppression of Hong Kong dissent. Post-Brexit UK and EU spar...

AAISAD 0259 – Al Qaeda & attack at Pensacola Naval Stn. China & “mass worldwide killing.” Pompeo & coronavirus inquiry. Ignorance of Trump, Pompeo, & Team Trump re: Communist Chinese regime….
May 20, 2020

Proof Al Qaeda was behind Islamist Terror attack at US Naval Station Pensacola, December 2019. Trump blames Communist China of incompetence for unleashing coronavirus pandemic. Pompeo – the US stands with Australia on inquiry...

AAISAD 0258 – Masks NOT allowed. White House and CDC. Navajo Nation. Murdered darlings. Murder by vehicle, and uneven “Justice.” In Technology we Trust?
May 16, 2020

Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns “stay-at-home” order. Annie’s Campground disallows masks to discourage violent criminals. “There’s trouble in River City.” Conflict between Trump...

AAISAD 0257 – Coronavirus toll 300,000 & counting. Putin’s & Jinping’s propaganda machines. Youth generation & world regime. COVID-19 power grabs. Courts, Lawyers, Gangs, & Murders.
May 14, 2020

Coronavirus/COVID-19 death toll surpasses 300,000, cases pass 4.4 million, per Johns Hopkins University. US State Dept.’s Global Engagement Center on Russian – Chinese coordination of anti-USA coronavirus pandemic propaganda. The...
