Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0223 – What is a fitting punishment for mutilating a girl? Nevada’s Democrat Presidential Debate & Caucuses; Sanders, Warren, Bloomberg, Steyer...? Heroism & Love
February 22, 2020

What punishment should be assessed for a man viciously maiming, mutilating, disfiguring a girl? Laws and grossly uneven “justice.” Perversion of language to pervert beliefs…. Michael Bloomberg’s ironic...

AAISAD 0222 – Nevada’s Democrat Caucuses, the “evil party,” Billionaires for President, the “dream team”? “Justice”? Judgment upon and for America!
February 18, 2020

On the eve of Nevada’s Democrat Caucuses, …Billionaires for President. The Democrat “dream team” or nightmare presidential ticket? Why the Democrat Party is known as the “evil party”;...

AAISAD 0221 – Tessa Majors, 2nd Degree Murder, Pleading down, aka Plea bargaining, “Justice” in America & the West; Nevada’s Democrat Caucuses, Joe Biden… the “dream team”?
February 17, 2020

"Justice" in America and the western countries. Legal fictions, such as, 2nd degree murder, pleading down, plea bargaining, and "justice." On the eve of Nevada's Democrat Caucuses, Joe Biden...

AAISAD 0220 – China’s censorship of coronavirus epidemic; President Trump’s arrangement with Afghani Islamist Taliban; Presidential Race 2020; Girls maimed, raped, murdered in NYC & SC
February 16, 2020

Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin, documenters of coronavirus crisis in Communist China’s Wuhan, taken prisoner or much worse, by Communist Chinese regime. President Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo secures Islamist Taliban’...

AAISAD 0219 – Pelosi denounces “abuse of power” while she abuses power; women lawmakers breaking laws to push #ERANow agenda; Gray Death; Bloomberg, NYC, NY state; Syria, Iraq, & Afghanistan…
February 13, 2020

US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her political deceit and machinations on display with her promotion of #ERANow. Gray Death – a hybrid form of heroin, so powerful that even the minutest quantities are deadly. Billionaire...

AAISAD 0218 – President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address, the ultimate campaign speech! Conclusion; President Trump’s relationship with Communist China vs. the realities.
February 13, 2020

President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address, the ultimate campaign speech! Conclusion. “…we have perhaps the best relationship we’ve ever had with China, including with President Xi. They respect...

AAISAD 0217 – President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address, the ultimate campaign speech! Part 3; Trump in sync with Socialist Bernie Sanders; So-called sanctuary cities, states, and nation?
February 11, 2020

President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address, the ultimate campaign speech! Part 3. Trump emphasized “Socialism destroys nations.” & “We will never let socialism destroy American...

AAISAD 0215 – Joe Biden AWOL ahead of NH Primary; Nancy’s unrighteous indignation; President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address, the ultimate campaign speech! Part 1
February 07, 2020

A shaken Joe Biden hunkers down in his Delaware home with his chief campaign strategists, away from the madding crowds of NH, ahead of the Friday night debate, and the looming Primary, to devise a winning strategy. Nancy Pelosi’s...

AAISAD 0214 – Iowa, Iowa; President Trump’s acquittal; Bulldozer Trump, Unsinkable? What’s prayer got to do with it?
February 06, 2020

Iowa’s Democrat Caucus’ multi-faceted mess, and that’s not even referring to the winners! Sanders & Buttigieg, Warren, Biden, Klobuchar, is that a misprint? Tell us it’s not so Joe; stumbling...

AAISAD 0213 – Emergency, 11-yr-old Gannon Stauch missing-endangered; Iowa Caucuses, Bernie & Joe…; playing nice with Islamist Terror in the USA & everywhere; Language, lies, & lies we tell ourselves
February 03, 2020

11-year-old Gannon Stauch missing since leaving his home in Colorado Springs, CO Jan. 27th. Iowa Democrat Presidential Caucuses and the race for the Democrat Presidential Nomination; polls show Bernie Sanders leading Joe Biden…....