Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0080 – The elite vs. military veterans and patriots (and especially christians). The leftist activist NFL.
September 27, 2017

Sisters by other mothers. - The blaxploitation of poor downtrodden enslaved black young men in the NFL. - Roger "The Commish" Goodell, and his campaign for all things false, vs. the likes of the Tebow's and Villanueva's....

AAISAD 0079 – "Freeman Strong!" and major media deliberate distortion/exploitation
September 23, 2017

"Freeman Strong!" - The major media elite's manipulation, distortion, exploitation of tragic events to manipulate narratives to conform to and support their agenda narratives. - Perverted language: the process of perverting...

AAISAD 0078 – Before the storm, after the storm, whom to trust?
September 12, 2017

"Irma's Wrath!" according to the Weather Channel. - US Virgin Islands after the storm, a cautionary tale for ex-pats. - As ... goes, so goes the nation; a nation gone to pot! - Language perverted to pervert a nation's...

AAISAD 0077 – On the eve of September 11, 2017
September 10, 2017

Yet another anniversary of the 9/11 Islamist Terrorist attacks upon America. - Hurricane Irma, Hurricane the Weather Channel we trust. - Perverted language and it's place in the grand scheme of things with destroying the...

AAISAD 0076 – "What have we done to tick off the earth?" – Angry God!
September 05, 2017

Hurricane Harvey mass flooding, Weather Channel, "What have we done to tick off the earth? - Our founders, the Pilgrims and Puritans, knew. - Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind - Savanna Greywind. - Crime and non-punishment in America,

AAISAD 0075 – from Hurricane Harvey to Eclipse of godliness
August 26, 2017

Savannah Greywind & her baby. - Hurricane Harvey.... - Eclipse, "Totality" of blind idolatry. - USA, lawful, that is, overflowing with unrighteous, even perverse laws, & lawless, that is, awash with the blood of the...

AAISAD 0074 – Charlottesville, VA, murder & attempted mass-murder, the so-called "right" & "left"
August 16, 2017

Charlottesville, VA - August 12, 2017 - murder & attempted mass-murder. - Heather Heyer. - The vicious gangs and thugs of the so-called "right" and "left." - The President. - The world-planners puppetry in the...

AAISAD 0073 – The North Korean problem; spin the bottle for solutions?
August 11, 2017

The North Korean problem, briefly. - Possible "solutions" - spin the bottle anyone? - Communist China - Putin's Russian Bear

AAISAD 0072 – Musical Chairs at the White House, and the North Korean problem
August 03, 2017

In with General Kelly; out with the Scaramouche. - The latest from North Korea, and the North Korean predicament.

AAISAD 0071 – Getting it right; the mission-critical mission of the military; & Scaramouche
July 27, 2017

When the President gets it right, count your blessings. - The mission-critical mission of the US Military.... - Scaramouche, i.e., Anthony Scaramucci, and so-called "war in the White House" (compared to former "war"...