Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0090 – Christmas coming
December 20, 2017

Christmas is nearly here.

AAISAD 0089 – Veterans Day, President Trump, and Communist Asian regimes
November 11, 2017

Veterans Day (as it is always shown, but shouldn't that be Veterans' Day), the US Military.... - President Trump's foray into the oriental portions of Asia, formerly known as the Orient, minus Taiwan (of course!). - Rogue...

AAISAD 0088 – Destroyers, terrorists, evil…vs. God, His Christ, and the good.
November 09, 2017

Massacre at First Baptist Church in Sutherland, Texas. - Destroyers and terrorists, evil versus God, His Christ, and their people. - The war to destroy the United States and the western nations, to enslave the world. - Veterans Day...

AAISAD 0087 – Dangers that threaten the USA, EMP anyone?
October 25, 2017

The leftists and their lustful hatred of the good and godly. - Grasping for the Presidency; Presidential campaign 2020 approaches one-year anniversary! - Enemies foreign & domestic. - Danger posed by possible electro-magnetic pulse...

AAISAD 0086 – Our only hope is R&R, not rest & relaxation but Revival & Reformation!
October 18, 2017

Halloween, bloodlust, perversion, and all manner of evils, or Revival & Reformation?! - Reformation Day's 500 year anniversary!

AAISAD 0085 – Rebels, rebellion…?
October 17, 2017

Rebels, who are they? - Rebellion, what is it? - Godliness vs. godlessness.

AAISAD 0084 – Hilary's guys; pandering anyone?
October 16, 2017

Hilary stands by her guys; pandering anyone? - Racism? - Politics American-style?

AAISAD 0083 – What's the Boy Scouts of America & Halloween got to do with it?
October 13, 2017

The "Boy Scouts" of America? - Halloween? - What's .... got to do with it, do with it? What do the Boy Scouts of America, and Halloween, got to do with it?! - The reeducation of the people, especially the youth, of...

AAISAD 0082 – From Mandalay Bay in Vegas, to DC, to Cuba, to N. Korea, to Russia, to China…
October 11, 2017

Mass Murder in Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV; should we believe the FBI? - Communist Cuban attacks of diplomats. - The new face of Kim's communist North Korean regime. - Putin weighs in on a US military "solution" to North...

AAISAD 0081 – The root of America's vulnerability to those regimes that seek her destruction and enslavement
September 30, 2017

North Korea, Iran...Vladimir Putin's regime, the Communist Chinese regime.... - What at the root is the source of America's fatal vulnerability to attack from those regimes bent on her destruction? - Scenario 1 or A, and Scenario...