Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0102 – Trump & Kim & Putin & Jinping?
March 15, 2018

Cagey politicians using the young to advance their agendas. - President Trump's "charm offensive," ala George W., or "tail wagging the dog" ala Bill Clinton? - Putin's Kremlin police state, assassinations,...

AAISAD 0101 – Democracy, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, Putin's Russian Regime
March 08, 2018

The kingdom(s) of men ruled by the basest of men! - The Founders and Democracy. - The threat posed to the USA by the likes of Vladimir Putin, and the oh-so significant role played by domestic enemies of the USA.

AAISAD 0100 – A Tale of Two Mass Murders; Trump, the Oligarch President; and Putin
March 01, 2018

Yet more evidence of damning similarity in response/non-response to murderous attack at Parkland Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the response/non-response to the 1991 murderous attack at Columbine High School. -...

AAISAD 0098 – The South Korean Winter Olympics, and North Korean usurpation
February 15, 2018

The 2018 Winter Olympiad in Pyeongchang / PyeongChang...South Korea. - South Korea's olive branch to the North Korean regime. - The North Korean regime's employment of this Olympics to further it's own ends.

AAISAD 0097 – President Trump's 2018 State of the Union Address, part I
January 31, 2018

President Donald J. Trump's 2018 State of the Union Address, part I

AAISAD 0096 – Tweeting & State of the Union Address, Olympics, and propaganda
January 30, 2018

The Tweeter-n-Chief and the State of the Union Address. - The Olympics, the Olympic Games.... - The would-be world-controlling social engineers and propaganda; none dare call it conspiracy. - The "Fairness" fallacy.

AAISAD 0094 – President Trump's one year anniversary and "greatness"…
January 18, 2018

President Donald Trump's first year anniversary. - "Make America Great Again"; Greatness, what does greatness have to do with it? - Iran, "the world is watching"; so what? - Venezuela....

AAISAD 0093 – the new and improved year
January 09, 2018

What does the so-called "New Year" have for us? - California Dreaming on such a winter's day. - Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea, and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land .... - America going to pot, medicinally to...

AAISAD 0092 – "New Year" continued
January 03, 2018

Which way, what path in the so-called "New Year"?

AAISAD 0091 – "New Year," "New Year's Eve," "New Year's resolutions"
December 27, 2017

"New Year," "New Year's Eve," "New Year's resolutions" - Stephen Hawking's conflicting predictions, the blind leading the blind. - Resolutions.