Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0069 – President Trump & World Peace
July 12, 2017

President Donald Trump, son-in-law Jared Kushner, and jeopardizing Israel in the glorious quest for world peace.... - Network News anchor Scott Pelley and leftists everywhere versus those they deem to be their enemies,

AAISAD 0068 – Ah yes, that North Korean "rogue regime" problem
July 05, 2017

Independence Day 2017. - Remembering seven sailors of the USS Fitzgerald. - Otto Warmbler. - Kim Dong Chul, Kim Sang-duk, & Kim Hak-song imprisoned in North Korea. - The North Koreans are coming. - The UN Security Council to the rescue?!...

AAISAD 0067 – They say "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day" ….
June 07, 2017

No, Rome wasn't built in a day, and it wasn't destroyed in one either; so too for the USA! - Strawman North Korea, and it's response to the US Navy's "routine" operations in the China Sea. - The world planners...

AAISAD 0066 – Islamist Terror attacks of Civilization, currently targeting the UK
June 06, 2017

Islamist Terror attacks of civilization (aka Western Civilization), free nations, western nations, former Christendom. - Prime Minister Theresa May, President Trump & son-in-law Jared Kushner, and "maintaining balance" via...

AAISAD 0065 – "London Bridge Is Falling Down," "Love Actually" redux
June 05, 2017

"London Bridge Is Falling Down," "Love Actually" redux. - Latest Islamist Terror Attacks of London, England/Britain/UK, at Westminster Bridge & outside of Parliament, and most recently at London Bridge & Borough...

AAISAD 0064 – North Korea & the latest rendition of Star Wars*
May 26, 2017

Kim's murderous Communist North Korean regime & Star Wars.* - President Ronald Reagan's so-called Star Wars initiative...the intractable Cold War with the murderous Soviet Union (and to a lesser extent with Most Favored Nation...

AAISAD 0063 – Islamist Terror Attack at Manchester Arena mars President Trump's "big trip"
May 25, 2017

Islamist Terror Attack at Manchester Arena targets girls, young women, mothers and families. - President Trump's "big trip" continued. - The Pope attempts to manipulate the President to push his leftist agenda. -

AAISAD 0062 – Tweeter-in-Chief basks in "my big trip"!
May 19, 2017

18-year-old Alyssa Elsman of Michigan, murdered, her 13-year-old sister seriously injured, in NYC's Times Square, by speeding vehicle driven down three blocks of sidewalk by a murderous destroyer who "wanted to kill them."...

AAISAD 0060 – Won't you come home James Comey, won't you come home?
May 12, 2017

The James Comey firing brouhaha, in a nutshell. - Fox News, conservative bastion?! - Another major media elite brouhaha, this time in Israel; and speaking of Israel.... - "Taking Chance" and how we honor our military dead, our...

AAISAD 0059 – Crime & Non-Punishment American style & Self-Preservation tips for women and girls
May 04, 2017

Crime & Non-Punishment in America; evil abounding at home and abroad via destroyers, i.e., "human" predators. - "Compassionate" public "servants" preventing women and young women from protecting and defending...