90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

Latest Episodes

Season of Wins
March 28, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Season of Wins Ep.64We are back! Are you a risk-taker? Do you desire to achieve your goals no matter the obstacles you face? This season we are on a journey to encourage and inspire you to achieve your wins. This season we are talking

Learning our Lessons and getting our Wins
January 01, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Learning our Lessons and getting our Wins Ep.63In this episode, we are recapping Season 3. On the journey to Wins, we will face obstacles and challenges. We can choose to learn our lesson on the journey. We have faith in our wins. Go b

Update your Money Mindset for 2022
December 29, 2021

90 Day Wins Podcast Update your Money Mindset for 2022. Ep62Uncover limiting Money beliefs and change your relationship with money. Are you ready to attract the money you desire? In this episode, Marie Peach Money Mindset Coach tells us how to uncover our

S3 Ep:55 Lessons from Kobe Bryant
November 09, 2021

90 Day Wins PodcastGoal Getters compete to Win! Ep55In this episode, SandyB shares some of the lessons she learned from Kobe "Bean" Bryant. Why she believes he is an ultimate goal-getter.  At a young age, Kobe knew what he desired. He would be t

S3 Ep:54 Change for your Wins.
November 02, 2021

90 Day Wins PodcastGoal Getters compete to Win! Ep54Are you ready for a change? "To make a change, you must be ready for change. Fed up, Had enough, no longer concerned with  other people's opinions." SandyB shares how you can Change to win

S3 Ep:53 Goal Getters compete to Win!
October 26, 2021

90 Day Wins PodcastGoal Getters compete to Win! Ep53Are you a Goal Getter or a Dreamer? Goal Getters act daily to achieve their goals. They are motivated by their vision and inspired to Win.  Dreamers only dream but take minimal actions.  Goal Getters pur

S3: Ep52 Action to Wins
October 19, 2021

Are you taking action daily for your Wins? Are you an Action Taker?  Our guest this episode Lynda Sunshine West is the founder of Women Action Takers. She encourages women to take action daily. Lynda believes. Sometimes taking action is scary because it m

S3: Ep51 Family goal setting to Wins!
October 12, 2021

A family that sets goals together Wins together. Setting goals with your family promote family connection. Teaches accountability and encourages a Goal Getter mindset.  In this episode SandyB encourages you to Set goals with your  family and Win. Is your

S3: Ep50 Q4 Winning
October 05, 2021

"It's the moment of truth." The 4th quarter!  It's time to rise to the occasion. Will you take the final 3 point shot to win the game? KOBE? Will you be the MVP of the 2021 Season of your life? You have put in the work for the last 3 Q

S3: Ep49 Win again after Loss
September 27, 2021

What were the highlights of Q3? Did you experience loss? Many of us have. How do you Win after a Loss?  Sandy B shares tips to help you move pass the loss to Win again. To experience loss of any kind is challenging. We often ask ourselves. Why is this hap