90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

Latest Episodes

S3: Ep48 Ignite to Win
September 20, 2021

 Do you desire more from life? Do you have passion for your goals?  This episode SandyB shares why this is the time for you to Ignite your passion to win. What are your plans for achieving goals for Q4?  Are you excited to execute your plans? Do you need

S3: Ep47 Beat Procrastination and Win
September 14, 2021

Are you a procrastinator? Are you ready to stop procrastinating and get things done? We are currently on Day 3 of the 7-Day Beat Procrastination challenge. Our goal for these seven days is to motivate you to beat procrastination and get your wins. This ep

S3: Ep46 Self Improvement to Wins
September 07, 2021

Did you know September is Self Improvement Month? We are taking time to pay attention to our health, mind, and body, implementing our plan of action to secure our growth. Our improvement goal is to help and inspire others to do Better, Perform Better and

S3: Ep45 Faith to Win
August 31, 2021

90 Day Wins Podcast Faith to Win Ep45We are excited to be back encouraging you to get your Wins every 90 days. In season 3 of the 90 Day Wins Podcast, we ask you to have Faith to Win. On location in Jamaica, SandyB encourages us to have faith in our abili

You Can Win... Every 90 Days!
April 01, 2021

We are excited to Celebrate a year of this podcast. SandyB shares why you can win Now.  And why you should not delay your plans to achieve your Wins. Now is the time to believe in yourself and execute your wins. This year has been filled with...

Win and Learn your Lessons!
March 23, 2021

Learning lessons as you Win! We are a year into this Podcast. It has been a journey of Lessons and Wins. Sandy B shares 4 Lessons this year of Podcasting has taught her. Here they are:1- Remember your why - Ep 1.  Why 90 Day Wins2- Trusted Advisors have..

Loving Black Men and Winning!
March 16, 2021

Winning by showing love to each other. This is what we are talking about in our Love Series. This episode SandyB talks Loving Black Men with her Cousin/Brother Bryan Barker. Bryan is an educator and retired Navy man. Husband and father of two adult...

Love Talk with Syd V
March 09, 2021

It' Women's History month and we are talking Love. This episode SandyB talks with her daughter Syd V about Love. Syd share her thoughts on showing love and receiving Love as a young lady. Why we need to give young people and each other a break d

Believe you can learn to Love and accept others!
March 02, 2021

Do you Love yourself? Are you accepting of others? Let's talk about it. This is the 3rd episode in our Love Series. Love is complicated and sometime challenging. But, Challenges make you discover thing about yourself that you never really know. This

Believe Music and Marriage with Love!
February 23, 2021

We are believing in Love! Love in Marriage and Music. These goal getters Nikeeta and Amlak are the cohost of Music and Marriage Podcast. They share authentic thought provoking subjects couples deal with daily. Whether married or dating. You will be...