90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

Latest Episodes

Rejection teaches us lessons.
June 07, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Rejection teaches us lessons. Ep.74Have you experienced rejection and found yourself frustrated and discouraged? We all have been there. Maybe that rejection is an opportunity to be redirected to something greater than you could imag

Struggle thru to Win!
May 31, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Struggle thru to Win. Ep.73Are you experiencing difficulty or resistance in pursuit of your goals? Do you feel as if you will not achieve your goals? We all are dealing with some struggles in our lives. Don't let outside appeara

Being resourceful in pursuit of Goals.
May 24, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Being resourceful in pursuit of Goals. Ep.72How are you being resourceful in pursuit of your goals? Resourcefulness helps us to reflect on our current skills and determine if there are any we need to strengthen or develop. In this ep

Winning Habits
May 18, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Winning Habits Ep.71This episode Sandy B encourages you to create your "Winning Habits". Do you believe your habits lead to your success? It's never too late to create better habits to build your character and achieve

Are Goals Overrated?
May 10, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Are Goals Overrated?  Ep.70Do you feel frustrated by not being able to achieve your goals. Do you lack the motivation to commit to your dreams and find yourself procrastinating? Listen to this episode and be encouraged to change your f

No Judgment just Respect!
May 03, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast No Judgment just Respect!  Ep.69Can you recount a time when you judged someone? Maybe it was your sibling or your friend. Perhaps you judged your spouse for a decision they made. This episode Sandy B shares the importance of being less

Make time to Win!
April 26, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Make time to Win!  Ep.68Are you making time to Win daily? Do you feel like your time and life are moving in opposite directions? You can develop skills that can help you make effective use of time. Benjamin Franklin wrote that time is

Take control over your Life and Win!
April 18, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Take control over your Life and Win!  Ep.67Be encouraged to make your body your business and take control over your life. In this episode, SandyB talks with Life Mastery Mentor Lorrel Elian, who guides people back into their bodies for

Spark your Light!
April 11, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Spark your Light  Ep.66You know it can be hard to stay motivated all the time. Understanding what sparks you will help you achieve your wins. Think of a time in your life when you desired to achieve a specific goal. What helped you mov

Taking Actions to Wins
April 05, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Taking Actions to Wins Ep.65What actions are you taking in Q2 to achieve your wins? We all have a choice to plan our wins and execute them or sit on the sidelines and be fearful. Winning is about taking risks for your goals. Many peopl