90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

Latest Episodes

Gratitude to Win
December 03, 2022

90 Day Win PodcastGratitude to Win Ep.84Each day we are thankful for so many amazing things in our lives. Each quarter we have the opportunity to win. Now we can look back with gratitude for the wins and lessons of 2022 as we prepare our hearts and mind

We Win Together
November 11, 2022

90 Day Wins PodcastWe Win Together! Ep.83"Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel; energies are contagious.Who you choose to surround yourself with can impact how often you win. Here are the types of

Win by Association!
November 04, 2022

90 Day Wins PodcastWin by Association! Ep.82Who you associate with can determine how often you wina common connection between people or organizations.What have you gained from being a part of an association? As we prepare for a year of Win's in 2

Vision required to Win!
October 28, 2022

90 Day Wins PodcastVision required to Win! Ep.81What do you envision for your future? A simple question that you must answer to achieve your Wins. Visionaries are individuals with clear ideas of how they envision the future.Visionaries are persistent.

Taking Risks to Achieve your Wins!
October 21, 2022

90 Day Wins PodcastTaking Risks to Achieve your Win! Ep.80As goal-getters, we must be willing to take risks.Risk is the possibility of something terrible happening and something unique occurring.Brain Tracy said:"When you have clearly identified

Sistahs in Business Winning together!
October 14, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast https://www.instagram.com/sibexpoSistahs in Business Winning together! Ep.79Are you a Sistah who is ready to Win? With the Sistahs in Business, you can be a part of a community of Sistahs working together to achieve wins. I have Sist

Don't be afraid to Win!
October 07, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Don't be afraid to Win! Ep.78Are you afraid to win? Are you fearful of allowing yourself to achieve the wins you desire?It's time to move past your fears to achieve your desired goals. To overcome fears and achieve goals,

Making moves to Win!
September 30, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Making moves to Win! Ep.77What moves will you make this quarter for your wins? We have 12 weeks to achieve our goals by the end of 2022. Are you actively planning and executing your goals for this quarter? Now is the time to remember

Your next Six Months are your Best Six Months!
June 30, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Next Six months are your Best Six Months! Ep.76We made it to the End of Q2. We survived the storms, trials, struggles, and obstacles. Now it's time to prepare for the next six months. Go ahead and claim your wins. They will be t

Deeply Rooted to Win
June 16, 2022

90 Day Wins Podcast Deeply Rooted to Win Ep.75"A tree with strong roots laughs at storms" Malay Proverb.Are you deeply rooted? Do you have a strong belief in your ability to achieve your wins? A tree has roots in the soil yet reaches the sky.