90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

90 Day Wins : Goal Setting Strategies for Personal Growth, Health, Business & Money

Latest Episodes

Overthinking - Break Free and Achieve your 90 Day Wins
May 24, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Overthinking - Break Free and Achieve your 90 Day Wins Ep.94Overthinking can be a silent killer of progress, leaving us stuck in a never-ending loop of doubt and analysis paralysis. But fear not, my friends! In this empowering episode o

Self-Prioritization Secrets : Empowering High-Achieving Women to Thrive!
May 17, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Self-Prioritization Secrets: Empowering High - Achieving Women to Thrive! Ep.93What are the everyday challenges high achieving women face? This episode Coach SandyB provides practical strategies for self-prioritization and personal grow

Leading with Purpose: Unleashing Your Potential to Win!
May 10, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Leading with Purpose: Unleashing Your Potential to Win!Ep.92Are you a business professional seeking leadership guidance? Have you ever fallen prey to the following myths about Leading with intention and purpose in a changing work envir

Lessons to Pivot: Adapting and Overcoming Challenges for Continued Success.
May 03, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Lessons to Pivot: Adapting and Overcoming Challenges for Continued Success.Ep.91We've all faced challenges in our personal lives or professional careers, but how we handle these challenges ultimately defines our success. This epi

Unlocking your Confidence and Achieving your Wins!
April 26, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Unlocking your confidence and achieving your Wins! Ep.90Are you looking to build your confidence? In this episode, Coach SandyB talks with Coach Adelle Thompson, a confidence and career coach who helps women build their self-esteem and

Ready To Win: Maximizing 90 Day Goals by finding your Expert
April 18, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Ready To Win : Maximizing 90 Day Goals by finding your Expert Ep.89Finding the right expert for your 90 Day Wins journey is crucial to ensure a positive and productive experience. The right professional will understand your needs, pro

Ready To Win : Crafting your 90 Day Plan and Tracking your Progress
April 11, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Ready To Win : Crafting your 90 Day Plan and Tracking your Progress Ep.88Get ready to craft your 90 day plan and track your progress with 90 Day Wins Podcast!Hear Coach Sandy B's techniques on how to set smart goals, manage your

Ready To Win : Setting the Stage for Your 90 Day Transformation Journey
April 04, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Ready To Win : Setting the Stage for Your 90 Day Transformation Journey Ep.87In this episode, we'll explore the essential steps and mindset shifts required to set yourself up for success and guide you through creating an achievabl

Reflections on Q1 and the Power of Believing in Yourself
March 28, 2023

90 Day Win Podcast Reflections on Q1 and the Power of Believing in Yourself Ep.86In this episode of the 90 Day Win Podcast, Sandy B encourages goal-getters to take action and achieve their goals, as she reflects on her own journey of wins, setbacks, and

Quit to Win!
December 31, 2022

90 Day Win PodcastQuit to Win Ep.85This season 5 ending episode Sandy B shares why she Quit to Win. And why she believe sometimes quitting is the best thing to do to win.Quit Now! You may believe quitting is not an option. But sometimes it is the best