Real Estate Marketing Dude

Real Estate Marketing Dude

Getting Personal With Video Email

December 15, 2021

Today people don't want fake they want personable and using video is one of the ways to do it. What we're gonna talk about today is how to get personal with video one on one. We brought on one of the founders of BombBomb, Darin Dawson. BombBomb is a video email platform, probably the leading one in the industry if and it's a great product. What these guys did really good is they personalize the relationship process through email and put a face with a name and that's why they're succeeding. 

Darin believes that human beings have intrinsic value. Each person deserves to be seen, heard and understood. That's why he co-founded BombBomb. They enable everyone in your organization to easily record, send, and track personal videos so that they can break through the digital noise, build human connection, and get a "yes" faster and more often. Stop relying on plain black text on a plain white page to communicate your most important and valuable messages. Start enjoying the benefits of face to face communication through simple, personal videos.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

  • The best easy investments to make for your business
  • How to use video to your advantage
  • What BombBomb is and why you need it


Learn More About Darin Dawson & BombBomb

Real Estate Marketing Dude

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So how do you attract new business? You constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate market interview podcast today we have a great episode for you guys. If you've been following the show last few weeks where we've been focusing on his personal branding. What the hell are you going to be doing in 2022? So many guys who subscribe and listen to the show constantly doing the exact same thing? Hey, Mike, I'm gonna get on video Mike, I'm gonna do video I'm going to get on video but then you kick the can down the road. Because the market is good right now and you forget the whole video thing to begin with. And then we end up back at square one. So what I've been preaching for the last two months, probably for the last five years actually is you have to build your personal brand through video. No one cares about what fucking brokerage you work for. Everyone cares about one thing, do I trust this person? Since COVID, it's O or COVID COVID COVID. It's okay to be personable. I'm in my garage. Right now, the guest is usually probably prior to COVID you're probably in a nice fancy office. But today people don't want fake they want personable and using video is one of the ways to do it. So how we're gonna talk about today is how to get personal with video one on one. And we brought on one of the founders of bom bom, which all of you guys are very familiar with Bom Bom is a video email platform, probably the leading one in the industry if that. And it's a great product. But what these guys did really good is they personalize the relationship process through email and put a face with a name. And that's why they're succeeding. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest today. Mr. Deron Dawson. How you doing, buddy?

Good, man. What's up, Mike, thanks for having me. I love everything you're just talking about. Yeah, I think every year I've been I've been doing this since 2006. And every year, it's been the year of video, right? Like, every year, every real estate conference, I go to a mall and let's like this year's the year a video and I think, you know, every year it gets better. But yeah, I mean, people want to adopt it, but then they then they just don't for whatever reason they get busy. I mean, that's the it's hard I get I've been in real estate, it's hard, you got a lot going on. You're dealing lots of transactions on moving parts. But I think if you make some easy investments in these relationships that you've had, because, you know, let's face it, you know this that real estate is a personal relationship business. Referrals are important to you. Repeat business is important to you. And you are in a business where you are involved in the transaction, right? A human is involved in the transaction, that means trust is needed. And so that's where human beings, that's how we communicate as humans comes into play in a different way. And you're right, that video is a great way to build trust, and to build a human feeling of trust and gratitude to one another. I think that's where most people need to be focusing right now.

Absolutely. Why don't you tell everyone who you are and how you know about this stuff a little bit and then we'll get into all kinds of questions for you. Is it the NCI bom bom

I started bom bom it's a video messaging platform allows you to send videos from anywhere to anybody. So you know, if you're in Gmail, because videos in Outlook, you can send videos if you're in LinkedIn, if you're in the CRM that you're using. If you're in mortgage or title, you're in real estate, we integrate with the CRM you're using, I can almost guarantee it. We've been we probably have about 100,000 realtors and loan officers and a bunch of other folks everything in between kind of on our platform and so we've been doing this long time and and I get that I'm just in San Diego now a couple weeks ago and they are national association Realtors Conference, I missed you a little talking about this. And you know I've been doing this for a long time. My only investor that we have as a business is the National Association of Realtors. I'm actually on there and you know part of their second century ventures portfolio so they invested in us and saw this is a big need in the real estate industry in general so yep, yeah. So

let's get into it I got all kinds of stuff so are you guys you know you got most of you're listening to the show are familiar with what we do if you're not we script that distribute video content for people but what we do is more on a production type level and we focus on building your personal brand. I want to go through how I've used bom bom how we coach our clients use bom bom because everyone always asked me how to use video and you're going to use video in different ways based upon the purposes that you're using video for. So let's break down all the different applications of bom bom because by the end of this podcast you guys should all get a subscription to Bom Bom if you haven't already. You're losing money and I'm gonna share with you why throughout the next 30 minutes. First and foremost is what I want to focus on is the transaction on the experience that we provide. I'm gonna tee you up first, when we are in a transaction No one remembers what the hell we did for them. They remember how we make them feel. They remember the conversation points we've had. And I'm giving you guys a very tangible example. I used to buy people for closing gifts. Darrin, there, I used to pick up their attorneys fees and their home inspection, which amounts in the city Chicago back that up to $700 a transaction. Not one time, did they ever remember the monetary costs I gave you $700. That sounds like a nice gift. But it went in one ear out the other, you want to know what made a bigger impact during the course of the transaction was how I use video to inform them along the way of every step of the process. What that ended up doing guys was allowing me to remove having to spend $700 on the client, I focused on the experience because customer service is lead generation, the goal is not to sell your house, the goal of average three to five transactions off of the sale the house, please decline then sell the house in that order. So

now I have a this is how I think about this, Mike, that if you have two companies, company A and company B and I don't care what they do, okay, let's just whatever service you're you, you know, if you're listening to this watching this, put yourself and you're choosing a service, company A and company B, they are both basically cost you the same. They basically deliver in your as far as you can tell the same service, they cost the same same service, everything seems the same. If that's the case, how do you make a decision on who you're going to go with? Right? It's typically who you kind of like the most right? Or how you feel about them as a person are they going to have you feel like they're going to take you through and deliver the services you want. And same thing in real estate, like you're competing against all these other people. No matter what we think we think we're different. We think that we provide this better, we can say have more experience, but the consumer doesn't know or just not as informed about that. And so how you make me feel about how you how you deliver this process differently than your competition is how I decide I'm going to go with you right, like, so if you show up before, send a video, introduce yourself. Tell him tell him where you're from Holleyman doing it all the great things about you before you show up to the presentation. After you leave. recap everything you talked about the show them you listen to them, send them a video, this is the way you know, you said it create a different customer experience than other people competing for that business.

But Darrin, I have a real estate license and 35 years in the business. These people need me. What's your answer to that?

I think the other one is that, you know, I've been doing this forever. And I want to do this. I'm doing the same way. Yep. And it's worked for you. I would challenge Look, I know. I've worked with all the coaches, Brian Buffini, Tom Ferry, Jared, James, everybody. We all think about this the same way that you you got to reinvent yourself a bit. Okay? Even if you've been doing it forever, everything's always worked for you. There is always a way we get comfortable there too. Like you make the same income. You're not challenging yourself anymore. Think about it's 2022. What are you going to do differently this year? Just what's the new goal? You're raising the bar? How are you going to incrementally push yourself to get that higher number than you've ever gotten before? I would challenge that simply using video could be one of the ways to do that. Like I had a customer Michael Thorne he's a great customer out of Vancouver. been a customer for like 10 years, right? He just called me and said how can I just I want to up the ante. Because I know what using Bom Bom has done for my business. I know if I do more. I'm gonna make more money this year. So he's always he's already thinking about like, how am I gonna, like push this for 2022 and his goal, it's gonna send 1000 videos in 2022 I personally I own the business. I've sent like 8000 videos. Okay, that's a lot of one to one with. I'm talking one to one to people videos. We have some sales reps. I've worked for a long time over 20,000 videos, Michael thorns, probably he's earning a 10,000 category. But if he does 1000 In one year, he knows what it's gonna do for his business. And it's just these simple little things like I just said like before listing presentation, after listing presentation. Yep. During the holidays. Thank you for your business. It's gratitude. It's being that if you bumped into them at the grocery store, a past client? Yeah, would you say send that to them over a video and whatever medium you choose in watch the gratitude component back from that client he hadn't seen in the year two or three or four or whatever

on a percent. Let's go through specifically and experience I'm going to share some some of the lenders we work with actually we're building out a guy's 12 Step transactional campaign right now and we're doing all like really funny, cool, entertaining videos, but what he's doing is that each step in the transaction as a lender, he's got a touch point. So for example, guys, and especially if you're a lender listening to this, you guys are being shocked everyone everywhere but sideways, let's be honest, and the only one who ever wins the deals the one that reaches them either a first or makes the biggest impact. So how a lot of lenders are using this as so many different ways you guys, they're using it a pot. Hey, nice to meet you. I just want to congratulations on getting that offer expected. My name is Mike Cuevas real estate dude, I heard I'm gonna be doing your financing. So I want to at least put a face to the name let you know there's a living breathing human being and that we're not like this Quicken Loans type company with a bunch of fucking robots. Right? I'm going to go in there and personalize it based upon my brand. Now we have other people that clear to close, congratulations, you have a clear to close. What does that mean? Well, and these little touch points, you guys, you have to remember that when people are transacting, that's the largest chance for referral. And when because it's such an emotional process, people are talking about it with everyone, which means they're walking billboard for your business, if you make an impact with it, and 100% of the people you come across this year will have a referral whereas 10 to 15% of the people will be moving themselves. So this is not we're talking about making an impact and differentiating the brand. What I found Bom Bom for very beneficial is that so many of these, like 2012 ish. Some of these agents are sending up real estate market updates, and then they send out Hey, turn back the clocks No shit, Sherlock. I've heard that like five different times today. And the entire you almost could tell when people come from conference, they all send the same email out, right? And what we started doing is like how I just ripped off hallmarks greeting card strategy, instead of Homer can make an entire business model, often holiday greetings. Well, what can I do with video holiday greetings. So we ran this for three years. And all we did was talk about the history of each holiday. And I'll tell you the number one subject line, the number one holiday to send out guys, it's Valentine's Day and the subject line is I love you, you'll get about an 80% open rate. And the content is so easy. You might be wondering why Realtors wishing I love you? Well, you might not know this, but you are responsible for 98% of my business. So therefore, yes, I love you. And then I lead into something else different. But the point is, guys, you don't have to talk about real estate, as a matter of fact, I will tell you not to the more you talk about it, the more gonna be tuned out. You need to remind

people, people work with people they know like and trust, that's still true. And what you're doing there is building that know, like and trust. And only you can do that in your own unique way. And especially in your past clients. I think that the idea of referrals and the idea that, you know, I think often too many times real estate folks are everyone, loan officers as well. They think about the transaction, and that I always like to point out the lifetime, what is the lifetime value of a customer to you? What is it?

Right, it's actually 25k, but there's not a number you can put on it.

But if you say take that 25k It's really time that because of the referrals, if you build in the process for referral, and like I love what you're saying about especially in loans, because you have a lot of these points of interaction like loans been funded or you've been approved, there's all these points. And what you did there as you did that you never say anybody's name, but that's okay, because that can be an evergreen video. But again, that experience you're providing is a feeling that you're giving to the customer, okay, but back to LTV, lifetime value of your customer. It's not just the transaction is actually could be three to five times that over the lifetime of your relationship as long as you keep a relationship with them. And I think we all know that we need to do a better job at that. Okay, loan officers. You're so busy right now you're like I don't got time for one more damn thing. Okay. And a lot and some folks in real estate are feeling the same way. Some art some art, right? Some are struggling with buyers who they just can't dammit, I can't get it done. I get it. Look. All of this requires relationship building you need to be doing if you're busy right now you need to square away 10 minutes a day to nurture relationships of your past clients. Because the day that that shifts on you and I have been in this long enough that it has shifted okay, like I've done I've seen it will shift again. But you've got to hedge that. Look, you always are backing money away in this business. Because you never know when other shoes gonna fall right? I get it. So hedge it a little bit. Take 10 minutes on your day, send some simple gratitude videos like you've been describing, thanking people for their business checking in on them, how's the wife? How's the house? How's the car? How's the kid whatever it is, just send a simple video like that. Build that build that relationship over time again and nurture those things because it can be worth five times the original transaction really 10 times. How many repeat transactions can you get from them? How many referrals can you get from them in a 10 year period? That I need to think about your business both in both sides of this we're talking about loan loan officers we're talking to real estate professionals any any of the

any referral based business this will work for our kids. And the more stuffy the business, the more it stands out like this businesses I love like for this type of stuff is like the attorney business or the CPA business. Imagine getting a video like I hate my CPA, we have a love hate relationship. And can you imagine like, how much human would your CPA be? If he sent you a video email? You'd be like, You know what, I actually don't hate you anymore. Okay, great. Like, because it's huge. If I say

it like this, if long term relationships are key to your success in your business video, yeah, especially now, in this post COVID thing, right? Like, we're more remote people are working from different places. The other thing I think that video helps with is, sometimes when we're calling people to check in on them, you just want to check in on a phone, I'm interrupting you, right? Like, I'm going to call you, but I'm going to interrupt you in your day with a video you can send it, they can receive it on their time, you can send it on your time. And that's called that's asynchronous video, right? That means that the two recipients in the center are removed from the time being the same so that they get the feeling of bumping into me at the grocery store. And they can be like, Oh, I like them. They're great. I remember working with them. That was fantastic. But I don't interrupt them when they're busy. And they're doing a bunch of stuff during your day. Does that make sense? Yeah,

here's what I never understood was like, I don't understand why real estate agent or even any business for that matter. But especially in a referral based business like real estate, because it's so simple. Like we all live somewhere last I checked unless you're sending it to someone's box. I mean, we live somewhere renting, buying or whatever. But agents will go out there and farm a bunch of strangers before they'll start farming their own relationships. Right that very early on in my career. And here's I'll give I'm gonna give you guys a very pragmatic, easy approach. What is Bom Bom run right now? It's gonna do an ROI and everything. How much does it cost me to get a subscription on bom bom 500 bucks, that 500 bucks a year. Okay, we're going to 1000 access right now, I'm gonna give you guys a very simple format to follow, I'm sure exactly I do. It's gonna take you 10 minutes a month. If you have 10 minutes a month, you don't have a fucking business. So here's all I did, to video emails a month, nothing to do with real estate, follow the subject, follow the holiday greetings. And here's how I want you to do the math, you guys. If you send we would average a 40% open rate plus on our video emails, the national averages, what they're in 13%, give or take. Yep, so let's look at what impact is, if I'm hitting 40% in my email list is 200 People, I'm gonna give you the statistics on that. And if I average of 40%, that means roughly 80 people are seeing me each and every year, every month, twice a month, okay? Now if you do that for 24 or 12 months, it's 24 videos over the course of time of those 80 people this is what's happening with them statistically 10 to 15% of them are going to be moving themselves. So that's about eight to 12 transactions, but 100% of them all 80 of them have a referral for you. 88% of transactions come from the first person you meet. That happens to be people you know used in the past or you fucking run into on your Facebook feed. It doesn't matter. We're not fighting for anything else other than the attention of our network. And it's how you nurture not what I do better. I do better on my videos when I dress up as Alec Baldwin and I recreate a scene from frickin Glengarry Glen Ross and I'm talking about a B are always be recording that generates five sales. Me talking about video marketing generates zero, it's the same thing in my business. So you guys nurture and farm your relationships with content. Now take that and do the same thing on social and run ads to the same damn people. You won't have a lead generation problem which you're going to have as a hiring problem. This is not rocket science. And if people don't like you, it's the only time it doesn't work.

I didn't Well, you're preaching to the choir. But you know, I think one of the ways that everyone on this call or is listening this understand it's like compound interest. Yeah, you make an investment. As long as you consistently drop that in your 401k or your all of your are in real estate you're buying this property because it's going to increase in value over time. The property is your database and that doesn't mean it needs to be 1000 people I love that you said 200 Thank you. Because a lot you don't need a lot you don't pick up the if I can't pick up the phone and call a person on my list and they don't know who I am. I should not be emailing them okay, like you don't have a relationship with these people you have a relationship I think that's why it's so effective. That's why you have a 40% so it's your home and it's increasing in value 6% 8% 12% Wherever you live, but it's I got to keep it up I got to paint it I got to make sure the lawn whatever you got to think about your database that way like a home right I think you could all relate to that and then the interest compounds and your investment or the investment grows and you sell it you make money.

Here's another way to think of your databases your significant other the second you stop talking to him you're on your way to a divorce and she starts cheating on you with another agent or do this because it's the exact same thing. Let's get into some creative ways I want to share some creative ways I use bom bom in the past. I remember this one we're in a multiple offer otherwise sticks out but we're in a multiple offer situation And the realtor was like getting hammered in Mexico like I call them ahead of time and I said hey dude, I'm he was drunk at the pool and I needed my offer to stand out and I was in multiple offers so we use bom bom put the freakin sombrero hat on or whatever and I was like Cheers The him I said listen dude I know you're on vacation it's the thing I'm gonna make this transaction extremely easy I get it bla bla bla bla who won the deal guys because no one else did it on a video people are doing this every day and it's the differentiation factor is all that you get noticed and when you get noticed you get more eyeballs get more eyeballs that's all it's about in this business I believe.

Yeah. Standing out man. I think this car thing I think the pandemic did more. Okay, I call it digital pollution. But when I get off this time with you, I'll have no less than 10 cold emails I'll have somebody call me spamming me on my phone LinkedIn are knocking you guys it's just a constant assault I think it's it's like this proliferation of like stuff coming at you now. And look I am dealing with that so if I'm You're someone's customer and I am I just rebuilding the house for we're refinancing stuff like I'm your customer okay? If you're trying to get my attention for anything. Yeah, you got to stand out a little bit because I get so much Senate me I think video helps you be uniquely yourself. Every human beings different or fingerprints or faces everything is different. Right? I have twins. I can tell them apart. No one else can but they're different. Funny. That's the point right? Humans are different. We stand out just by simply being us. So if you're afraid of video or you haven't done before, because of whatever reason, you got to be standing out you got to be unique in a way that's only it's not hard because you're uniquely you and uniquely unique and and you can do this easily with video, but you got to start he's gonna start sending simple videos. Don't overthink it, don't over produce it. Don't worry so much about what you like, here's the deal. We sound different to to ourselves. When we hear the video back. Is there a problem that people face? So right now the way I hear myself is not how you hear me? Right? Like the way I hear you is not how you think you sound? It's because we hear ourselves in our heads. Oh, yeah. Let me tell my look at myself now a lot because I'm on video a lot, but it's when I'm brushing my teeth in the morning. So a lot of times when people turn on the video camera and they record it and they play it back to get freaked out. I don't like how I sound in your brain is kind of saying that. That doesn't sound like you rightly gotta like get over that a little bit. Because what is how you sound okay, but encourage yourself, it's not it. It's not a bad thing. It's okay thing, but send the video. And that's why I was telling people when they're getting started, send gratitude videos, send thank you videos. Thanks for your business. Thanks for the lead. I appreciate you. It's easy to do. And it almost always elicits a response from the other person to say, I thank you so much for sending that. So you get to feel good. Sending gratitude. You get the feel good receiving gratitude, and they get the feel good because you did that for them. So it's a reciprocation that happens only humans have that type of exchange. By the way, it's a human thing that you can do very easily and really help your business. It's very simple. Yep.

What would you say? All industries you guys were doing? What would you say the? To me? It's any any personal one on one? I mean, it works with everything. I don't know, I can't even really name something that wouldn't. But yeah, your goals, it's very simple guys stand out, like quit being like everybody else. And the only thing that ever stands out is your personal brand. Because God only made one of you as Darrin just said, That's pretty damn cool. We just have to embrace it. Note, I always tell

people though they go like, I will say you don't have to send a video every time. So if you're trying to think like when should I? If it's better said in person, if it would be better. To say it in person, and I can't send a video, I think that that loan is funded, you know you're approved. That'd be better in person. They're gonna be pumped. You can deliver that message better in person or accepted like our we were accepted, like our offers accepted. That's a great one. If you could be in person, but often you're too busy. Send an exciting video, guys, and then like holed up aside, you're approved or, look, we're accepted offers accepted. I think that's huge. Celebratory makes it easy, by the way to share that video with other people. Oh, we got the house forward. Yeah, they get to see you their realtor. They get to see you their loan officer, what am I whatever it might be? Those are the fun things that people want to celebrate and tell other people about in their lives, which gets you more referrals, right?

Yep, that's it. Well said dude. Don't overthink it, guys. Darrin any other points that you want to make anything else you think?

I think the one thing that we do that we didn't touch on though was screen recording. So we actually allow you to record whatever's on your screen. So here's where this comes into play. Now, I know you don't want me sharing any financial information on this video, okay for Oregon title, but I mean, when you're walking through things that you need them to do. Again, this could be an evergreen video, a lot of times and these businesses begin to these repetitive things that are new to me as a consumer, but you've done 1000 times, right? So shoot a quick video with a walkthrough. recording the screen helped me understand the things you need me to do. Yes, you don't need to show right, like walk through the document, walk through this disclosure form, whatever it might be, of course, again, not sensitive information, but things that you're doing all the time, record a video once send that to them. And then you can use that video again and again and again. saves you a ton of time.

Yep. 100% transactional, there's so many ways use a transactional guys like your, your process. People do rave about them, because they just they like you, they just turn into referral sources, but also the database nurturing was game changers for us. And we do over we create nearly 100 people's videos a month, two to four a month, and we're sending a video email to every single one of them. So I could tell you guys exactly what the statistics are and how it works. It freakin works. And we're doing edited videos, you don't need superduper edited videos you could the transaction on a one on ones are better not edited unless you're using. I agree I

owe you an edited video. There's definitely a place for both of those campaigns. Right. Like you said this the beginning. It's what is the end goal of this communication? What is it being used for? And that's how you decide, right? Yep,

totally. Dare launch you go ahead and tell them. I'm sure you guys know how to get there. But go ahead and tell them where they can go. Because he has webinars maybe up on your site or something to check it out further. And here's the homework.

It's easy, just get a free trial free, get it 14 day free trial, check it out. Bom In my homework for you, you're listening. My challenge to you is to send 10 videos to past clients. If you're a loan officer, it could be to your real estate friends and beginning a lot of business in the last year. If you're in real estate, it's your folks you transact with and 2021 and just tell them thanks. Thanks for business. I appreciate you. Appreciate you always calling me and giving me the business you are. Send a gratitude send 10 Gratitude videos with a 14 day free trial. after that. I don't think you'll look back. Okay, and one more thing I got a book out. It's called human centered communication. And you can buy it on Amazon it's easy to get our chief evangelist wrote Ethan Buettner Chief Marketing Officer see personality it's great book kind of break down breaks down some of these ideas again that we've been talking about gives you some tactical ways to implement them in your business. I think you'd love it.

Yep, awesome, dude, appreciate it. Great show and folks, thank you for listening to other episode real estate marketing podcast. Because I think we can help you with you want to build your personal brand to come to look celebrity your market, feel free to reach us real estate marketing We script edit and distribute your videos and make you look pretty damn cool. But more importantly, we don't let anyone forget about you, which is why we generate more referrals. If you're interested in looking at a new strategy to market your listings and stand out quit being like 99% of the other people out there visit listing listing Appreciate you guys subscribe, and stay tuned to next week. Peace. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with a dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.