Growth In Progress
Latest Episodes
137: What Is Your Procrastination a Symptom of?
Pretty much everyone experiences procrastination at some point and it can feel frustrating when someone makes it sound as simple as "just follow these tips to stop procrastinating". So in this episode
136: Finding Your Flow State
This week we're discussing how to get into your flow state to reach maximum productivity and optimise your work day. Flow state is a psychological term for being "in the zone" - when you're immersed i
135: When Things Don’t Go to Plan
You might have noticed that we didn't put an episode out last week... It was not an intentional decision but with so much going on publicly and in our own lives, it was just impossible for us to be ab
134: Self-Sabotage and Breaking Bad Habits
Another week, another big topic, this week it's self sabotage and breaking the bad habits that lead to those self sabotaging behaviours. The habits we have are often subtle, their negative impact taki
133: Is It Your Ego Talking?
WE'RE BACK! After taking a much-needed summer break, we are back with a huge topic we both feel is a big one that's become more relevant as we've gotten older - egos. Many of us don't realise that a l
132: Coping with Overwhelm
For our last episode before we have our summer break, we wanted to talk about overwhelm and how to cope with or mitigate it. We all go through stressful or overwhelming periods and more so right now w
131: Comparison Among Friends
We all know by now that comparison is the thief of joy, but when it starts to creep into friendships it can become even more damaging. Whilst it's completely natural to compare yourself to others, esp
130: The Perfect Feminist Does Not Exist (And That’s Okay)
TW: discussion of pregnancy, abortion, rape and incest in light of the recent Supreme Court overturning of Roe v Wade - In this week's episode we're discussing the recent events in the US where the Su
129: How Can You Become A Great Leader?
Being a good leader is something that we all want to strive for and many of us will have the opportunity to do. However despite it being so important it isn't always clear how to lead in the best way.
128: Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a big topic and a tricky thing to navigate which is why this week we're discussing not whether you should forgive or not, but the benefits to forgiveness in terms of self-growth, self-h