1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

Memorial Day: What's Your Cause?
May 30, 2016

Lessons we learn from those who gave it all

“The Dirt Road to Success” with Brian Fisher
May 27, 2016

Brian Fisher’s real-world experience has classified him as a business and adversity expert, helping other entrepreneurs and leaders throttle their way to victory. His is a story of courage, persistence and a total commitment to overcome all...

“Keep Your Eyes on the Prize” with Brian Fisher
May 26, 2016

Brian Fisher says fear and procrastination are two of the biggest enemies that will rob us of success. He says the one thing that cures fear is action. You have to be persistent and keep taking consistent action to achieve your success. Always...

“Go Beyond Average” with Brian Fisher
May 25, 2016

If you want to be successful in business or life, you must move beyond average. Many people fall short because they do not have this mentality. Whether it’s career, relationships, or life, if you do not go beyond average you’re not going to...

“Pick a Lane” with Brian Fisher
May 24, 2016

Brian Fisher says focus is a difficult thing to master. When we multitask, we get sloppy and careless. So it is critical for our success to be disciplined and focus only on one thing. Put everything else (email, social media, etc.) on a shelf when you...

“Don’t Build on Sand” with Brian Fisher
May 23, 2016

Brian Fisher says it’s crucial to know your strong personal “why.” You must know why you want to be successful and why you want to be an entrepreneur because it serves as the foundation for everything you want to do in life. If you build a house...

“Organize Your Workspace for a Productivity Boost” with Marcia Ramsland
May 20, 2016

Marcia Ramsland believes anyone can become more organized with new ideas -- even YOU! Get organized and stay that way starting today. On this episode, Dave recaps episodes 451-454 where Marcia shares lessons from her new book, “Organize Your...

“Protect Your Personal Power Hours” with Marcia Ramsland
May 19, 2016

Professional organizer Marcia Ramsland talks about your individual “power hours,” or the time of day you work at peak capacity, focus, and productivity. Typically it’s one to two hours, and you have to know when they occur. Otherwise, you’ll...

“15 Minutes - The Difference Between Average and Excellence” with Marcia Ramsland
May 18, 2016

Professional organizer Marcia Ramsland talks about how the difference between average and excellence in our lives and careers is 15 Minutes at the beginning and end of our day. There is great power in how we start our day and end our day. If we just...

“Organize Your Digital World Now!” with Marcia Ramsland
May 17, 2016

Your digital space is your computer files, your email, and your online marketing presence. And for most of us, it’s probably as big of a problem, if not bigger, than the problem with our physical space. Many self-employed entrepreneurs are working...