1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

“How to Build Your Know, Like, and Trust Factor” with Kara Ronin
June 13, 2016

Kara Ronin says the way we interact with others in business is perhaps the most critical area of focus for any professional. But it’s also the area many of us neglect the most. We often think about how to improve our technical skills, but, at the...

“How to Do It All” with Linda Formichelli
June 10, 2016

You want to do, see, and experience everything you can to create a rich, memorable life. Travel. Volunteer work. Athletic events. Entertaining. Reading, learning and trying new things. And you want to look and feel great while you do it. In fact, your...

“Are you really working that hard?” with Linda Formichelli
June 09, 2016

According to author Linda Formichelli, most of us feel like we’re always working. But when we get to the end of the day we may realize that we’ve been spinning our wheels, doing unimportant things, putting out fires. Is that really work?...

“Overcoming Overwhelm” with Linda Formichelli
June 08, 2016

Linda Formichelli says if you are going to try to do everything you want to do, there are times when you will feel overwhelmed. Anytime you do something that’s worthwhile, or anything that is going to be memorable to you, it’s going to involve...

“Ditch Your Excuses” with Linda Formichelli
June 07, 2016

Linda Formichelli says that your excuses are trying to be helpful to you. Somehow your brain is considering it more important to avoid possible failure or being embarrassed than to take action on what you want to do. We need to remember that everybody...

“You don't FIND time, you MAKE time” with Linda Formichelli
June 06, 2016

Linda Formichelli says we need to recognize that we have more time than we think. If you were to track your time, you would find a lot of leftover hours, and that you are not doing as much work, childcare, and house care as you think. We need to...

“Stop building castles on sand” with Steve Rodgers
June 03, 2016

Steve Rodgers says, ultimately, that we have to know what our “Why” is. “Why are you doing this?” Knowing your “Why” creates the foundation for what you are building. There’s typically a higher meaning and purpose as to why people want...

“Creating Your Roadmap” with Steve Rodgers
June 02, 2016

Steve Rodgers says getting your personal dreams mapped out on paper is important, as is talking with your partner/spouse about them. Equally important is to keep accountable to your plan by tracking your progress on a weekly and monthly basis and...

“Manifesting the Dream” with Steve Rodgers
June 01, 2016

Steve Rodgers says we have to realize that fear is part of the equation. No matter what we do in life, if it has any substance; is going to push, excite, and thrill us; or will help modify or change our lives, it typically has some fear attached to...

“Creating the dream to possibility” with Steve Rodgers
May 31, 2016

Steve Rodgers says the first step in transforming your dream into a possibility is taking the vision that’s in your heart and head, and getting it down on paper. Then create a plan for how you’re going to make it happen. Steve says we should get...