1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

“Momentum: The Life Blood of the Entrepreneur” with Alex Charfen
June 27, 2016

Alex Charfen says The Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT) is a personality type that explains your behavior and the way you interact with the world … there’s nothing wrong with you, and you are not alone. This type is a sub-population of human...

“Your Guide to Better Decisions” with Kevin Hogan
June 24, 2016

If you could point to one word, to one factor, to one element or cause of what happens to you in your life, it is decision. On this episode, Dave recaps and share some of his thoughts about the important decision-making lessons that guest Kevin Hogan...

“Mental Short Cuts To Make Better Decisions” with Kevin Hogan
June 23, 2016

Kevin Hogan talks about the mental shortcuts people take each day that lead to poor decisions. Then he provides us with some actions we can take to overcome these mistakes and make better decisions.

“The NUMBER ONE Way You Self-Sabotage” with Kevin Hogan
June 22, 2016

Kevin Hogan shares tips on how to recognize and defuse procrastination, because of all of the different ways you can self-sabotage, procrastination is by far the most common. Many times we already know we should be doing something, or we should be in...

“Make Decisions Without Self-Sabotage” with Kevin Hogan
June 21, 2016

Most decisions we make are non-conscious. For example, you get an email, and you just click on it. We make hundreds and hundreds of decisions every day without any awareness whatsoever, and that’s a good thing because our brain knows what has to...

“How Do You View Decisions?” with Kevin Hogan
June 20, 2016

People want to know if they should get married or divorced. Maybe they’re wondering if it’s time to switch careers, or maybe stop their career and start their own small business at home. On today's show, Kevin Hogan talks about how we perceive...

“How to Boost Your Social Skills in Business” with Kara Ronin
June 17, 2016

Do you want to learn how to read people, get your message across smoothly, and avoid misunderstandings? When you walk into a room, are people naturally drawn to you? During a business meeting, do people listen to your ideas? Dave recaps episodes...

“The Power of Body Language” with Kara Ronin
June 16, 2016

Kara Ronin talks about how to project confidence and power through your body language. It’s the first opportunity others have to form their opinions about you. Whether you are walking down the street, walking into a networking event room, or a...

“How to Master Your Conversations” with Kara Ronin
June 15, 2016

Kara Ronin talks about How to Master Your Conversations. In business, you need to be able to communicate to your boss that you can do a good job. You need to be able to communicate to your colleagues and interact with them well. And you need to be...

“How to Network with Confidence and Strategy” with Kara Ronin
June 14, 2016

As a business person you need to think about growing your network; it needs to become one of the focal points of your business life. Kara Ronin says we need to dedicate a certain amount of time every week or every month to growing our network. You...