1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

“Silence Your Limiting Voices” with Aaron Anastasi
July 11, 2016

Aaron Anastasi says we have built our entire life on a network of stories. We’re sitting down, we’re standing up, or we’re lying down; those are the only things that are true about us in the physical universe. Other than those, we’re living in...

“Broadcasting Happiness” with Michelle Gielan
July 08, 2016

New research from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience shows that small shifts in the way we communicate can create big ripple effects on business and educational outcomes, including higher productivity, better performance ratings, and...

“Why It’s Important to Recharge Yourself” with Michelle Gielan
July 07, 2016

Author Michelle Gielan says we all need to fill our own positive bucket before we can give it out to others. Often we ask, “Is the glass half empty or is the glass half full?” Ultimately it doesn’t matter if have a whole pitcher full of water...

“How to Move Past “Stressed and Stuck”” with Michelle Gielan
July 06, 2016

Author Michelle Gielan says if we’re feeling stressed or negative about something, it means we have a story in our mind about that situation. And that story that’s making us feel negative or stressed is not serving us well. In any given moment we...

“Dealing with Negative People” with Michelle Gielan
July 05, 2016

Michelle Gielan talks about dealing with negative people. It’s important to remember that they might not even realize their behavior, so our efforts to redirect their negative behavior is as important for them as it is for us. The key is to do it in...

“The Danger of Negative Conversations” with Michelle Gielan
July 04, 2016

Michelle Gielan talks about getting caught in negative conversations. What is your response to problems? How do you talk about them in a way that leaves people feeling empowered and ready to take forward action? It’s not that you want to ignore the...

“The Entrepreneurial Personality Type” with Alex Charfen
July 01, 2016

For entrepreneurs, greater awareness about themselves leads to a greater ability to innovate, lead and build teams, and create the lives they're looking for. By understanding how the world affects them (Entrepreneurial Suppression), how they interact...

“The Contribution Equation” with Alex Charfen
June 30, 2016

Alex Charfen talks about what he calls “The Contribution Equation.” There is a foundational equation at the heart of the achievements of every major figure throughout history. This Contribution Equation is both the shortcut to success and, as Alex...

“Entrepreneurial Loops and Spirals” with Alex Charfen
June 29, 2016

Alex Charfen warns us about what he calls “entrepreneurial loops and spirals” and the challenge of unintentional consumption. Whether it’s books, seminars, coaches, or online programs, entrepreneurs have the tendency to consume information and...

“Entrepreneurial Suppression: Why You Feel Like You Don’t Belong” with Alex Charfen
June 28, 2016

Alex Charfen says the world is uncomfortable because EPT’s make them nervous. Most people want things to stay the same. Societal systems (like public education) are set up to standardize behavior and suppress what’s unique, different or new....