1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

“Your Workspace - A Distraction or a Productivity Boost?” with Marcia Ramsland
May 16, 2016

When the space around you is clear, your productivity jumps dramatically, and you’ll save time. It’s a beautiful transition when we can get our space, and our mind, organized. Productivity launches and you can move into new areas as you grow....

“How to Have Laser-Sharp Focus” with Joanna Jast
May 13, 2016

Tired of ineffective, blanket advice on improving your focus? Whether you're a student, freelancer, entrepreneur, employee or anyone else dreaming of being able to snap into focus and maintain it for however long you want, Joanna Jast has answers for...

“Why Motivation is Overrated” with Joanna Jast
May 12, 2016

Author Joanna Jast says motivation is overrated. Why? Because it’s fickle, it comes and goes. Some days we have tons of motivation, some days we don’t have any. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that. We all have commitment and deadlines,...

“The Greatest Enemy (and Ally) of Your Focus” with Joanna Jast
May 11, 2016

Author Joanna Jast says your environment is the biggest enemy and greatest ally of your focus. The physical environment includes things like the quality of your workstation, the level of ambient noise, and the technology that can unintentionally take...

“Targeting and Solving Your Focus Problem” with Joanna Jast
May 10, 2016

Author Joanna Jast says when you build your solution to your focus problem, it’s imperative to understand the uniqueness of your individual problem, and then create a solution that is equally unique. It has to be in your context and meaningful to...

“Your UNIQUE Focus Problem” with Joanna Jast
May 09, 2016

Author Joanna Jast says many people have problems staying focused. And if you start implementing other people’s solutions, even if they are the best in the world, you’re going to get other people’s answers to other people’s problems. That’s...

“Connect and prosper in a Mastermind” with Tom Schwab
May 06, 2016

A mastermind can be one of the most useful tools in helping you to achieve the level of success you dream of. On today’s show, Tom Schwab shares how to connect and prosper in a mastermind from his wealth of experience over the years in being part of...

“Tools for a Digital Mastermind” with Tom Schwab
May 05, 2016

Tom Schwab talks about the online tools that can make a mastermind easier and stronger than ever. We live in such an amazing time with all the free technology that’s available. You can connect with people from around the world virtually at no cost....

“How to find or create a Mastermind” with Tom Schwab
May 04, 2016

Tom Schwab gives advice on how to find or create a mastermind. He says a good mastermind is like a good card game: nobody knows about it and it’s hard to get into. But if you make yourself known you’re looking are interested becoming part of a...

“The Benefits of a Mastermind” with Tom Schwab
May 03, 2016

Tom Schwab talks about thebenefits of a mastermind. None of us know our blind spots. If weknew them, they wouldn’t be blind spots. Big businesses have aboard of directors but for small business and individuals, youdon’t have a group that can offer...