Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Latest Episodes

Does Your Accountant Have An Entrepreneurial Mindset?
October 10, 2023

An episode on the importance of truth in business, growth strategies, and why it's essential to seek advice from people who have themselves achieved success.

The CPA’s Oath: What Every Law Firm Owner Should Know
October 05, 2023

In this episode, we explore the differences between the oaths and responsibilities lawyers and CPAs have to their clients.

From Expense to Investment: Uncovering the Purpose
October 03, 2023

In this episode we look at the difference between costs associated with an expense and an investment. Something may seem expensive, but if it helps you achieve your goals, its likely an investment

Tax Advisors Decoded
September 28, 2023

We uncover key insights about different financial advisors - what they do, what their limitations are, and how to know if yours are right for you.

Your Law Firm’s Secret Weapon: Tax Strategist
September 26, 2023

In this episode we hear from RJons personal and business tax strategist, Larry Brown. As a CPA and Tax Attorney, Larry has a deep understanding of tax laws and a knack for strategic planning. This ep

TL;DR Recap – The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm
September 21, 2023

In this episode we combine all seven of RJon's teachings into one single show. The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm.

The Power of Boundaries
September 19, 2023

Setting boundaries allows you to make your own profitability a priority

The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm: Part 7 – YOU!
September 14, 2023

We wrap up our series exploring the seventh and final part of every successful law firm with a focus on you, the law firm owner!

Value Your Time
September 12, 2023

How you value your time and the time others give to you is the focus of this episode.

The 7 Parts of Every Successful Law Firm: Part 6 – Money & Metrics
September 07, 2023

With marketing, sales, production, people, and physical plant in alignment, it is the time to focus on financial controls also known as money and metrics.