Profit First for Lawyers

Profit First for Lawyers

Latest Episodes

Are You A Sucky Client?
November 14, 2023

In this revealing episode, RJon flips the script and calls out lawyers who may be sucky clients to their bookkeepers.

Is Your Household Your Law Firm’s Bank?
November 09, 2023

Many law firm owners are using their household income to subsidize their law firm's business at the expense of their household finances.

Take Flight: Elevate Your Mindset to Profitability
November 07, 2023

Alejandra Leibovich explains how law firm owners can get off the ground and take flight to escape the "doctrine of sacrifice" mentality.

Is It Overhead or Overhead?
November 02, 2023

A revolutionary concept of categorizing overhead expenses as either "static" or "dynamic" to better control costs and increase opportunity for growth.

Face Your Fears
October 31, 2023

In this special Halloween episode of the Profit First For Lawyers podcast, RJon challenges struggling lawyers. Karli and Raul discuss how to face fears, unmask ego, and breakthrough limiting beliefs.

Total Owner Benefits
October 26, 2023

An overview of Total Owner Benefits (TOB). Looking beyond just salary to the full profit potential law firm owners can receive as outlined in Chapter 9 of the Profit First for Lawyers book.

Focus On Things That Matter
October 24, 2023

RJon expands upon the possible answers to, "How profitable is your law firm?" A question with conventional and unconventional answers.

Liberate Your Law Firm from GAAP
October 19, 2023

We continue exploring how Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP) was not meant for non-publicly traded companies like private law firms.

Truth is Kind
October 17, 2023

Denise Doonkeen returns to discuss how truthful yet kind communication, even when uncomfortable, leads to better outcomes in business and life.

GAAP Was Not Meant For You
October 12, 2023

RJon gives a quick history lesson on why GAAP exists and its relevance...or lack thereof to small law firm owners today.