Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Latest Episodes

Bon Voyage, Me!
June 23, 2022

In this episode of the Trauma Hiders Club, I discuss regret, travels, and opening up to astonishment. I also share a big announcement about the podcast.

Bringing Fierce and Gentle Compassion Into the Writing Process with Heather Doyle Fraser
June 16, 2022

Heather joins me today to discuss compassion, truth, joy, writing, and books. She shares her struggles with the writing process and her inner critic.

Healing Emotional Disconnection
June 09, 2022

In this episode, I discuss emotional disconnection and my fear of being misunderstood. I describe how I was regularly shut down as a child and how I came to dislike Sarah Bernhardt, whoever she is. I explain the roots and impact of emotional disconnection

Leadership Trauma and Founder Anxiety with Will Rezin
June 02, 2022

Will Rezin is a somatic coach and trainer and trauma integration specialist who guides individuals on the journey of waking up to their aliveness. He is the Co-founder of Trauma and Somatics, a program that trains trauma-informed coaches and facilitators.

Choosing Feeling over Thinking
May 26, 2022

In this episode, I discuss why we are inclined to share what we think when we are asked about what we feel.

Leadership Trauma and the Value of Grieving with Yijen Liu
May 19, 2022

Yijen joins me today to share her journey as a start-up founder. She outlines the events that led her to close her company and describes why founders tend to face business challenges alone.

Celebrating the Love that You Are
May 12, 2022

In this episode, I discuss how the last few years have inspired so much reflection on my life as a mother. I explain how Mother’s Day can be difficult for so many. I also highlight the Trauma Hiders Club as a place of safety and invite you to celebrate lo

Listening to Your Inner Stirrings with Jaimes McNeal
May 05, 2022

Jaimes joins us today to share his quest to understand himself, his parents, and his family.

Rite of Passage, Puberty, and Turning Red
April 28, 2022

In this episode of the Trauma Hiders Club, I discuss Turning Red and how it touches upon intergenerational trauma, the mother-daughter bond, relationships formed outside of the family, parental pressures, and puberty

Rediscovering Our Humanity with Bay LeBlanc Quiney
April 21, 2022

Bay joins me today to share an anthropological perspective on modern humans and their relationship with emotions. She explains why humans are the “least of humans.” She discusses the impact of humanity’s disconnect from its primal, animalistic nature