Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Latest Episodes

Childhood Games Shape Adulthood – Karen Leslie
December 06, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen What were your favourite childhood games, or roles, to play? In adulthood most people will dismiss all things "child-like" believing their childhood play is irrelevant now. The truth is that this way of thinking is backwar

Let Fun Be Your Guide – Karen Leslie
November 29, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Likely no one has suggested to you that you allow your life to be guided by fun. More likely you have been told to let practical and pragmatic choice be your guide. To have the energy of fun be your guide would be fool har

Does Your Reflection Ever Surprise You? – Karen Leslie
November 22, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Have you ever walked past a mirror, or a reflection in a window, and had that flash thought "is that me?" or "do I actually look like that?". Did you surprise yourself with your reflection? This is actually quite common. H

What Is Behind The Labels? – Karen Leslie
November 15, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Everyone uses labels. Labels give definition, description, understanding and comfort. The key question is: What is behind the label to begin with? What was that split second thought behind the word that is the label? What

Working With The Energy Called Fear – Karen Leslie
November 08, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen The concept of fear is well known by everyone, even if you have not experienced it. Fear is something that has been taught to avoid, or even run away from. Working with fear is often not taught. Working with the energy of

Let’s Not Fit In OR Belong – Karen Leslie
November 01, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen The idea of fitting in and/or belonging is very desirable for most people. As young children we are both taught and role modelled to fit in or to belong to a certain family or community. Well, what if the need to fit in or

What You Practice You Become – Karen Leslie
October 25, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen When you practice something you become more proficient at it and usually whatever it is becomes easier for you. To become an expert at something, some people say you need to practice it for 10,000 hours; assuming you are p

The Impact Of Your Energy – Karen Leslie
October 18, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Do you ever think about what impact, or influence, your energy has on you, your family, your home? How about on your colleagues at work or complete strangers in the store while you are shopping? We cannot separate ourselve

See Your Value For The World Requires You – Karen Leslie
October 11, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Does this sound like a lofty statement, or perhaps egotistical, depending on who is saying "see your value for the world requires you"? 'Does the world really require me?' you may be thinking. The answer is a great big YES

Oracle Cards ~ Helpful Or A Distraction? – Karen Leslie
October 04, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen If you are a regular listener to Cultivating Kindness With Karen you will know that Karen uses Oracle cards as part of her preparation for every show. For Karen, they are very helpful. That being said, Karen has also used