Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Latest Episodes

The Impact Of Your Energy – Karen Leslie
October 18, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Do you ever think about what impact, or influence, your energy has on you, your family, your home? How about on your colleagues at work or complete strangers in the store while you are shopping? We cannot separate ourselve

See Your Value For The World Requires You – Karen Leslie
October 11, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Does this sound like a lofty statement, or perhaps egotistical, depending on who is saying "see your value for the world requires you"? 'Does the world really require me?' you may be thinking. The answer is a great big YES

Oracle Cards ~ Helpful Or A Distraction? – Karen Leslie
October 04, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen If you are a regular listener to Cultivating Kindness With Karen you will know that Karen uses Oracle cards as part of her preparation for every show. For Karen, they are very helpful. That being said, Karen has also used

What Is Influencing You Today? – Karen Leslie
September 27, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen Typically the question is 'who is influencing you?'. Ask yourself 'what is influencing me?'. The list of what is having an influence on, or over, you is extensive. Pausing and looking at this question is really important a

Everyday In Everyway I Am Getting Better & Better – Karen Leslie
September 20, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen  What comes to mind when you think or say 'Everyday in everyway I am getting better and better'? Do you smile? Do you feel down? Where do your thoughts go? Or are these words that do not touch you? Better? Everyday in every

Put Down The Blame – Karen Leslie
September 13, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen  When you were young did a parent, or friend, ever say to you "who did that to you?". Most people will answer 'yes' and this is the beginning of learning how to blame others. The beginning of taking ourselves out of the equ

Expect The Unexpected – Karen Leslie
September 06, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Do you like surprises? Perhaps you only like a certain type of surprises. The unexpected surprises can cause a lot of people stress or anxiety. Even the surprises you expect can bring with them their own interruptions to l

Enjoying The Experience Called Life – Karen Leslie
August 30, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen  How do you enjoy the experience of something that is often, if not constantly, moving from happy and pleasant to sad and miserable? Very few people are truly enjoying their life on a daily basis. It is so easy to feel knoc

Leveraging Alignment – Karen Leslie
August 23, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Whether you are having a conversation about business, personal growth or spirituality the word 'alignment' is bound to be used. Whatever your definition, or understanding, of what alignment means; add in the word leveragin

Those Nasty Controlling Regrets! – Karen Leslie
August 16, 2023

Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Having regrets about something is not unusual. Having many regrets over your lifetime is also quite common. Often we brush them off, or push them aside, thinking they are just part of life. What people do not think about i
