The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

Latest Episodes

A Tribute to the Greatest of All Time – Rush Limbaugh
January 22, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Rush was the master of being able to communicate some of the most complex subjects in a way that was not only understandable and entertaining but also in a way that provided hope.

Biden Family Peddling Global Influence as Davos Prostitution Skyrockets
January 21, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Frank, who holds no government position, spoke on the future of global health care and offered advice on how lobbyists could influence American policy. Im happy to report that a

Hunter’s 50k Rent to Dad, Censorship, Racism & Climate Change
January 20, 2023

The Tom Renz Show This report revealed that his monthly rent payment to Big Guy was 50k. What the hell was he renting a castle? Did this include food and drink (hookers and blow, perhaps)? Honestly,

Grumpy Greta Thunberg, Possible Cyber Attacks, and the Price of Eggs
January 19, 2023

The Tom Renz Show I feel like someone needs to let Greta know that global warming, global cooling, and the ozone hole crisis already caused the end of the world back in 2015. On a more important mat

WEF Engineers the Next World Crisis & Biden’s Suspicious Document Finds Smells
January 18, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Schwab and his WEF cronies are doing this with the clear intent to usher in Central Bank Digital Currency and universal basic income. Its all about control and always has been. An

New World Order Trailblazers Soon to Meet in Davos as Biden Builds Himself a Wall
January 15, 2023

The Tom Renz Show WEFs big shindig in Davos is coming up soon. I encourage you to look at whos attending this meeting of global elitist masterminds. Brian Kemp is going; we know he likes election f

Vax and Republicans; Much more to that story!
January 14, 2023

The Tom Renz Show A recent Rassmussen poll reported that while 85% of democrats are vaccinated, 51% believe the vaccines are causing deaths and injury, 44% feel that vax safety concerns are legitima

What the GOP Should Do Next, The CBDC, More Vax Problems & Why Ukraine?
January 13, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The GOP retaking the House is great, but we must also recognize that this is a minimal victory. Dems still control the Senate, and we still have ED-Leader McConnell running the Rs

Time to Sue Pfizer… Where are the Lawyers?
January 12, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The post-authorization study Pfizer was required to perform and which was submitted to the FDA in early 2021, demonstrated that the issues these jabs were expected to cause were ac

Brazil Teeters on the Edge of Civil War, the WEF & Young People Dying Suddenly
January 11, 2023

The Tom Renz Show While we watch Brazil teeter on the edge of civil war, I want to ask you all to pray for that nation. The people of that nation are attempting to preserve their own freedom by stan