The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

Latest Episodes

Stopping election fraud with Jovan Pulitzer
February 23, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Fraud is the reason Joe Biden is our President. He is, in my opinion, illegitimate and should not be in office. If we want to see Trump in 2024, we better do something about the fr

We the People: Building an army against the deep state
February 22, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Between the Pfizer and Moderna Big Pharma complex, the DoD, CIA, intelligence community and their push to support DEI and everything anti-American, and the coordinated election fra

Fighting corruption in Ohio, the heart of it all
February 20, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Ohio just passed a pro-abortion amendment and cannot seem to deal with health freedom, election fraud, or many other issues. One of my close allies fighting for freedom in Ohio is

We are funding more modRNA COVID poisons, Biden’s project NextGen
February 16, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Project NextGen is (again) being run as a "national security project (DOD project with BARDA and BioDefense are all over this), so there will be zero transparency. What we do know

The WEF church of satan vs Christianity
February 14, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Yuval Noah Harari has talked about using AI to create religion. He is an open atheist and wants to use very clever AI to manipulate people by leveraging their faith. Enter "He Gets

The reason we MUST have a Republican Civil War
February 10, 2024

The Tom Renz Show The GOP establishment is corrupt and has, in many cases, sold out to Democrat special interests. These literal RINOs are saying the right things but pushing policies that will abso

Is Toby Keith the most high profile turbo cancer death from the jabs so far?
February 08, 2024

The Tom Renz Show If we learn from his tragic death, maybe we can save others, so let me ask the question: was Toby Kieth a victim of the Turbo Cancers the FDA knew would show up after gene therapy

Why Is the Missouri GOP attacking their own Freedom Caucus?
January 31, 2024

The Tom Renz Show As is the case with many of the Freedom Caucuses around the country the Missouri Freedom Caucus wanted to focus on America First issues and put people above special interests. Appa

COVID was one of the most profound criminal acts in history
January 31, 2024

The Tom Renz Show As noted by Senator Rand Paul and Tucker, COVID was one of the most profound criminal acts in history. Under the COVID umbrella, you find the hospital murder saga. The United State

A culture of Uniparty corruption! It’s not just the dems
January 27, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Democrats openly advocate for policies that damage American interests and are bad for all but the elites. The problem is that much of the GOP does the same. They love to talk about