The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

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Local action creates a national impact… a case study
April 10, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Local action does equal national impact. Very few people realize the depth of the corruption we face on a national level. That corruption does not end in Washington - it extends al

Judge Merchan is breaking the law in the Trump case
April 06, 2024

The Tom Renz Show As America continues to be attacked from all angles, it is amazing to see the clear breakdown of the justice system pertaining to Trump. As an attorney, I find the corruption of ou

COVID & mRNA – The murder continues!
April 05, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Viral this past week was a video of a farmer talking about how the mRNA vaccines that were injected into his pigs injured and killed many of them... but don't worry, the meat is st

Trump endorsing RINOs… plus mRNA misinformation
April 04, 2024

The Tom Renz Show There are so many turncoats who claim to be supporting him that I've lost count, and often, he ends up endorsing people tied to these turncoats. Today, we talk about the turncoats

Tennessee food bill, Trans-day of Easter & a goodbye tribute to Lizzo
April 03, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Congratulations to Tennessee for becoming the first state in the Union with the courage to deal with mRNA and other vaccine poisons in the food supply. The bill is not perfect, but

Exposing the truth related to Big Pharma, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
April 02, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Our dear friend Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is back. She has recovered from her health troubles, continues to expose the truth related to big pharma, and is spreading the word. Listen up a

The NFL continues to do everything it can to ruin football
March 29, 2024

The Tom Renz Show As if the nonsense with playing a black national anthem (whatever that is - I don't know of any country that represents) isn't bad enough, they continue to do everything possible t

Putting the gene therapy question to rest – mRNA is gene therapy
March 28, 2024

The Tom Renz Show In today's show, we are dealing with the disinformation that the COVID vaccines are somehow not gene therapy. They are. The FDA admits it in a document we will show that was put ou

Why is the GOP majority whip calling Rep Massie a libertarian anarchist
March 22, 2024

The Tom Renz Show I delve into why the House GOP Majority Whip, Tom Emmer, labels Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie a "libertarian anarchist." It explores the clash of principles within the GOP, highlighti

Lambs or Lions? His Glory Warriors
March 19, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Can we please just go back to the 80s? A time when people were in an uproar over things like the Beastie Boys and AC/DC? Now I look around, and we have things like porn in schools