The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

Latest Episodes

Is Jim Jordan for Real?
November 29, 2023

The Tom Renz Show In a revealing tweet, Jim Jordan's questioning of John Ratcliffe unveils startling claims about COVID's origins, implicating Anthony Fauci. Despite my public evidence and testimony

Behind the Hype: China’s Health Crisis Uncovered
November 28, 2023

The Tom Renz Show I've long doubted the "big thing" to steal elections would be another pandemic, and I maintain that stance. However, the ongoing attempts to find something that sticks are evident.

mRNA in Food: It’s Worse Than We Knew
November 25, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Today, we delve into groundbreaking information about our food supply, uncovering the widespread use of gene therapy products. The surprising resistance to Missouri's HB1169, a bil

RINOs Benefit from Censorship: A Deep Dive
November 24, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Democrats literally love censorship. This is ironic as they generally claim to embrace being "open-minded." Despite the Democrats' open embrace of this horrific ideal, it is the RI

Stories From the Freedom Fight
November 21, 2023

The Tom Renz Show It's been a very busy couple of weeks. We have been in Missouri, Washington DC, Nevada, and elsewhere. Many people have asked about our work, what we are doing, and what it's like.

COVID Vaccines: Congress Finally Hears the Truth
November 17, 2023

The Tom Renz Show I'm sharing vital insights from a groundbreaking hearing, led by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ron Johnson, where brave Congress members prioritized American interests over Big Pharma

The Other Ronna, Almost as Bad as COVID
November 10, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The 2023 election was not great for Republicans, but why? Why, when the nation universally believes we are heading in the wrong direction, are Republicans unable to capitalize on t

America’s Self-Inflicted Crisis: Policy & Corruption Unveiled
November 09, 2023

The Tom Renz Show America continues to burn, and every day, we see more issues. The issues are all self-inflicted because of bad policy and intentional corruption from our elected officials. The COV

Corruption in Nevada? Who Woulda Thought!
November 08, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Robert Beadles is a prominent Nevadan who has been fighting election fraud and other issues since 2020. He's not only put his money where his mouth is. He is now behind a pro se la

Everyone Is Seeing the Truth About COVID Vaccines – Now What?
November 07, 2023

The Tom Renz Show The jabs are killing machines - seemingly by design - and people are noticing. This is what winning looks like, but until justice is done, we have not won. To get where we are, we